首页 \ 问答 \ 使用Scrapy或Instagram Python API访问Instagram中用户的所有关注者的用户名(Accessing the username of all the followers of a user in Instagram using Scrapy or Instagram Python API)

使用Scrapy或Instagram Python API访问Instagram中用户的所有关注者的用户名(Accessing the username of all the followers of a user in Instagram using Scrapy or Instagram Python API)

如何在Instagram中获取用户的每个关注者的用户名? 在json我只能访问追随者的数量。 这是我正在使用的json处理的URL:



    {u'biography': u"Hi, we're:q
 BuzzFeed dot com the website. Download our app:",
     u'blocked_by_viewer': False,
     u'connected_fb_page': None,
     u'country_block': False,
     u'external_url': u'http://bzfd.it/2cpjV5B',
     u'external_url_linkshimmed': u'http://l.instagram.com/?e=ATN_0_BAWjtGnChrZAtmnHUKqbPDjr3JcppPl3dQc7xbokFd56UvRHua36v9XsY&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbzfd.it%2F2cpjV5B',
     u'followed_by': {u'count': 2527289},
     u'followed_by_viewer': False,
     u'follows': {u'count': 127},
     u'follows_viewer': False,
     u'full_name': u'BuzzFeed',
     u'has_blocked_viewer': False,
     u'has_requested_viewer': False,
     u'id': u'1538653985',
     u'is_private': False,
     u'is_verified': True,
     u'media': {u'count': 2175,
                u'nodes': [{u'__typename': u'GraphVideo',
                            u'caption': u'me when I finally get paid',
                            u'code': u'BRJs_2Zj143',
                            u'comments': {u'count': 1330},
                            u'comments_disabled': False,
                            u'date': 1488491778,
                            u'dimensions': {u'height': 640, u'width': 640},

我可以看到u'follows_viewer': False但这是公共帐户,我可以从其Instagram帐户中看到buzzfeed的粉丝。 强烈建议任何想法。

更新:我通过使用Instagram API尝试了另一种方法,我得到了无,不知道出了什么问题:

([], None)
([], None)




它问我这个问题: 在此处输入图像描述



info = api.user(user_id=53112486)




{"pagination": {}, "meta": {"code": 200}, "data": []}

这些都返回([], None)

 50         for page in api.user_followed_by( as_generator=True):
 51             print(str(page))
 53         print(api.user_follows(user_id=53112486))

How can I get the username of each of the followers of a user in instagram? In the json I can only have access to the number of the followers. Here is the URL for json processing I am using:


Here's the beginning of pprint(json_response["user"])

    {u'biography': u"Hi, we're:q
 BuzzFeed dot com the website. Download our app:",
     u'blocked_by_viewer': False,
     u'connected_fb_page': None,
     u'country_block': False,
     u'external_url': u'http://bzfd.it/2cpjV5B',
     u'external_url_linkshimmed': u'http://l.instagram.com/?e=ATN_0_BAWjtGnChrZAtmnHUKqbPDjr3JcppPl3dQc7xbokFd56UvRHua36v9XsY&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbzfd.it%2F2cpjV5B',
     u'followed_by': {u'count': 2527289},
     u'followed_by_viewer': False,
     u'follows': {u'count': 127},
     u'follows_viewer': False,
     u'full_name': u'BuzzFeed',
     u'has_blocked_viewer': False,
     u'has_requested_viewer': False,
     u'id': u'1538653985',
     u'is_private': False,
     u'is_verified': True,
     u'media': {u'count': 2175,
                u'nodes': [{u'__typename': u'GraphVideo',
                            u'caption': u'me when I finally get paid',
                            u'code': u'BRJs_2Zj143',
                            u'comments': {u'count': 1330},
                            u'comments_disabled': False,
                            u'date': 1488491778,
                            u'dimensions': {u'height': 640, u'width': 640},

I can see that u'follows_viewer': False but this is public account and I can see the followers of buzzfeed from its instagram account. Any idea is highly suggested.

UPDATE: I tried this other method by using Instagram API and I get None, not sure what went wrong:

([], None)
([], None)

I followed this method for getting my access token, is that wrong?


I used http://localhost:8515/oauth_callback for my redirect_uri

And it asked me this: enter image description here

Which I authorized!

That said, I can get the counts of my own account (53112486 is my user_id):

info = api.user(user_id=53112486)

Also, when I tried


I got the following!

{"pagination": {}, "meta": {"code": 200}, "data": []}

These both return ([], None):

 50         for page in api.user_followed_by( as_generator=True):
 51             print(str(page))
 53         print(api.user_follows(user_id=53112486))

更新时间:2022-07-30 07:07


散列算法通常比CRC好,因为它们碰撞较少; 现代哈希算法是作为HashAlgorithm类的后代实现的。 MD5和SHA1是常见的选择。


要计算校验和(无论是散列算法还是CRC),您必须读取整个文件,块大块,将文件数据传递给校验和算法。 完成整个文件后,从校验和算法中检索结果。

Hash algorithms are generally better than CRCs because they have fewer collisions; modern hash algorithms are implemented as descendents of the HashAlgorithm class. MD5 and SHA1 are common choices.

AFAIK, .NET does not include CRC classes, but I've written CRC32 and CRC16 classes that support all CRC-32 and CRC-16 algorithms.

To calculate the checksum (whether a hash algorithm or CRC), you'll have to read in the entire file, chunk by chunk, passing the file data to the checksum algorithm. When you're done with the entire file, retrieve the result from the checksum algorithm.


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  • 正如@ MrSmith42所说的,假如你不需要保持文件长度不变,那么可以很容易地计算出一个“冲突”(给两个输入消息给出相同散列的名字)。 它很繁琐,有很多点旋律,但非常快。 假设原始文件是十六进制的: 1122334455667788 然后使用标准的CRC32多项式,其CRC-32校验和将为0x9118E1C2 。 如果所使用的算法不是标准的,则可以替换它。 我将坚持用于演示目的的标准。 首先,根据需要更改文件。 例如,我在中间改变了一个字节: 11223344FF667788 第一步恢复CRC是用4个 ...
  • 不,像MD5,SHA,......这样的校验和纯粹是哈希。 即使一位的改变通常也会导致完全不同的校验和。 在cheksum和输入如何变化之间根本没有相关性。 NO, checksums like MD5, SHA, ... are purely hashes. Even a change in one bit typically results in completely different checksum. There is simply no correlation between how the c ...
  • 我的解决方案在这里找到: 如何在两个二进制类型之间的sql server中进行按位异或? 。 它涉及将每8个字节拆分为二进制(8)。 My solution was found here: How to do bitwise exclusive OR in sql server between two binary types?. It involved splitting every 8 bytes into binary(8).
  • 你看过Digest :: CRC吗? 来自文档:“它包含具有CRC-CCITT,CRC-16,CRC-32和CRC-64的正确参数的包装函数,以及OpenPGP的ASCII装甲校验和中使用的CRC。” use strict; use warnings; use Digest::CRC; my $ctx = Digest::CRC->new( type => 'crc32' ); open my $fh, '<:raw', $ARGV[0] or die $!; $ctx->addfile(*$fh); ...
  • 简而言之,您需要从校验和计算中排除用于存储校验和的字节。 将校验和写入文件中的最后一件事。 根据除校验和之外的文件内容进行计算。 当您读取文件时,根据校验和之前的内容计算校验和。 或者,您可以将校验和作为随机访问文件的第一个字节。 只要你知道它在哪里。 Simply put you need to exclude the bytes used to store the checksum from the checksum calculation. Write the checksum as the last ...
  • 散列算法通常比CRC好,因为它们碰撞较少; 现代哈希算法是作为HashAlgorithm类的后代实现的。 MD5和SHA1是常见的选择。 AFAIK,.NET不包括CRC类,但我编写了CRC32和CRC16类,支持所有CRC-32和CRC-16算法。 要计算校验和(无论是散列算法还是CRC),您必须读取整个文件,块大块,将文件数据传递给校验和算法。 完成整个文件后,从校验和算法中检索结果。 Hash algorithms are generally better than CRCs because they ...
  • 您目前只计算文件最后一个块的CRC。 为了将此传递当前crcvalue固定为crc32作为起始值: import zlib buffersize = 65536 with open('Pleiades_Spitzer_big.jpg', 'rb') as afile: buffr = afile.read(buffersize) crcvalue = 0 while len(buffr) > 0: crcvalue = zlib.crc32(buffr, crcv ...




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