首页 \ 问答 \ Scala Play - 如何格式化JSON转换的泛型(Scala Play - How to format Generics for JSON conversion)

Scala Play - 如何格式化JSON转换的泛型(Scala Play - How to format Generics for JSON conversion)

我正在学习越来越多关于Scala和那个漂亮的游戏框架。 但是有一些事情让我烦恼,我无法开始工作。

例如,我喜欢将Generics用于某种集合。 但是我需要将它们存储在JSON中的数据库中。 有这个很酷的自动转换的东西,但它不适用于泛型,我没有尝试过: - /


case class InventorySlot(id: Long, item: Option[Item])

object InventorySlot {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[InventorySlot]

case class Inventory[T <: Item](slots: Vector[InventorySlot]) {
  def length = slots.length

  def items: Vector[T] = slots.map(slot => slot.item).flatten.asInstanceOf[Vector[T]]

  def item(id: Long): Option[T] = {
    slots.find(_.id == id) match {
      case Some(slot: InventorySlot) =>
      case None =>
        Logger.warn(s"slot with id $id not found")

object Inventory {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[Inventory]

Item是可以放入该库存的不同项目的基本抽象类。 没关系。 但有时我想要一个库存,只适用于ItemType A,我们称之为AItem 。 所以我想用这样的东西创建我的库存: val myInventory = Inventory[AItem]("content of vector here") ,当我调用myInventory.item(2) ,我想要在插槽2中获取该项目,并且它应该是AItem类型的对象,而不仅仅是Item 。 (这就是我在这里使用泛型的原因)


显然, Inventory的隐式格式不起作用。 Item ,以及所有特殊项目,我可以在下面发布它的代码, InventorySlot应该工作。


Error:(34, 34) Play 2 Compiler: 
 C:\depot\mars\mainline\server\app\models\Test.scala:34: class Inventory takes type parameters
   implicit val fmt = Json.format[Inventory]


implicit val fmt = (
  (__ \ "slots").format[Vector[InventorySlot]]
  )(Inventory.apply, unlift(Inventory.unapply))

甚至没有在我的IDE中工作,我找不到问题。 我很困惑。 我不知道我的错误在哪里,或者我做错了什么,或者我错过了什么。



case class AItemInventory(protected var slots: Vector[InventorySlot]) extends Inventory[AItem](slots)

object AItemInventory {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[AItemInventory]

哪个有效。 没问题,一切都很好。 所以......我不明白。 如果它看起来完全相同,只是硬编码,为什么这个工作?



implicit val itemFormat = new Format[Item] {
  override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Item] = {
    (json \ "itemType").as[ItemType] match {
      case ItemType.AITEM => fmtAItem.reads(json)

  override def writes(item: Item): JsValue = item match {
    case subItem: AItem => fmtAItem.writes(subItem)
    case _ => JsNumber(item.itemType.id)

I am learning more and more about Scala and that nice playframework. But there are some things that bother me and that I can't get to work.

I like using Generics for some kind of collections, for example. But I need those to be stored in our database, in JSON. There is this cool auto conversion thing, but it does not work for generics, in no way I have tried :-/

Okay, to be concrete, code first:

case class InventorySlot(id: Long, item: Option[Item])

object InventorySlot {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[InventorySlot]

case class Inventory[T <: Item](slots: Vector[InventorySlot]) {
  def length = slots.length

  def items: Vector[T] = slots.map(slot => slot.item).flatten.asInstanceOf[Vector[T]]

  def item(id: Long): Option[T] = {
    slots.find(_.id == id) match {
      case Some(slot: InventorySlot) =>
      case None =>
        Logger.warn(s"slot with id $id not found")

object Inventory {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[Inventory]

Item is a basic abstract class of different items that can be put in that inventory. It doesn't matter. But sometimes I want to have an inventory, that just works for ItemType A, lets call it AItem. So I want to create my inventory with something like this: val myInventory = Inventory[AItem]("content of vector here") and when I call myInventory.item(2), then I want to get the item in slot 2, and it should be an object of type AItem, not just Item. (That's the reason why I am using generics here)

So the problem

The implicit format for Inventory does not work, obviously. Item does, also with all special items, I can post the code for it below, and InventorySlot should work as well.

The error when compiling is:

Error:(34, 34) Play 2 Compiler: 
 C:\depot\mars\mainline\server\app\models\Test.scala:34: class Inventory takes type parameters
   implicit val fmt = Json.format[Inventory]

I tried to write the read and write explicitly, like

implicit val fmt = (
  (__ \ "slots").format[Vector[InventorySlot]]
  )(Inventory.apply, unlift(Inventory.unapply))

wich is not even working in my IDE, and I can't find the problem. I am confused. I don't know where my error lies, or if I am doing something wrong, or if I just miss something.

Any help will be appreciated.

I am so helpless, I even have considered doing a class for all possible inventory types, like

case class AItemInventory(protected var slots: Vector[InventorySlot]) extends Inventory[AItem](slots)

object AItemInventory {
  implicit val fmt = Json.format[AItemInventory]

wich works. No problems, everything fine. So... I don't understand. Why is this working if it seems to be exactly the same, just hardcoded?


The item formatter, wich works:

implicit val itemFormat = new Format[Item] {
  override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Item] = {
    (json \ "itemType").as[ItemType] match {
      case ItemType.AITEM => fmtAItem.reads(json)

  override def writes(item: Item): JsValue = item match {
    case subItem: AItem => fmtAItem.writes(subItem)
    case _ => JsNumber(item.itemType.id)

更新时间:2022-11-26 20:11



至于你的问题 - 不,没有公共REST端点来获取/更改/添加标签给JIRA。

Just to clarify, labels (at least the built-in JIRA ones) are global entities so they can be attached to any Issue in any Project.

As to your question - no, there's no public REST endpoint to get/change/add labels to JIRA.


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