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SAS导出日期格式(SAS Export date format)


然后我调整了一些数据(再次成功)。 一旦完成,我想将它导出到一个文件夹,该文件夹是我从它取得的文件夹前29天。




错误:由%SYSFUNC或%QSYSFUNC宏函数引用的参数1功能MONTH不是数字。 错误:在%SYSCALL,%SYSFUNC或%QSYSFUNC参数列表中检测到无效参数。 %SYSCALL语句或%SYSFUNC或%QSYSFUNC函数引用的执行已终止。


Hi I am trying to import data (successfully) from a folder that is a date so the file path reads /year/month/date (*today's date)

I am then tweaking some of the data (again successfully). Once that is done I want to export it to a folder that is 29 days forward from the folder I took it from.

Here is my current macro:


The P_Date reveals the error:

ERROR: Argument 1 to function MONTH referenced by the %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC macro function is not a number. ERROR: Invalid arguments detected in %SYSCALL, %SYSFUNC, or %QSYSFUNC argument list. Execution of %SYSCALL statement or %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC function reference is terminated.

But I cant get my head around it any help would be massively appreciated.

更新时间:2023-01-05 21:01




您可能还必须在开头放置一个非数字 - 如果这样做,使用String.Format()可能最容易做到:

string guidStr = string.Format("X{0:N}", Guid.NewGuid()); // Prefix with "X"

How are you turning the Guids into strings?

You can use Guid.ToString("N") to produce a string guid without any hyphens.

You may have to put a non-digit at the start too - if you do, it's probably easiest to do it with String.Format():

string guidStr = string.Format("X{0:N}", Guid.NewGuid()); // Prefix with "X"


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  • 我从其中一个值(any)创建一个HashSet ,然后检查所有其他值是否等于它: // TODO: Handle the dictionary being empty var firstSet = new HashSet(values.First().Value); var allEqual = values.All(pair => firstSet.SetEquals(pair.Value)); 这假定: 每个清单中的顺序并不重要 每个GUID出现在列表中的次数并不重要 (即你真 ...
  • 如果你的意思是基于公共前缀的uuids,比如MAC和时间,请看看uniqid 。 在这里,您还可以找到符合RFC 4211的UUIDS的一些代码。 如果你想要安全起见,请将此包装器用于libuuid: pecl uuid 。 没有测试过,YMMV。 If you mean uuids based on a common prefix, such as MAC and time, have a look at uniqid. Here you can also find some code for RFC 4 ...
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  • 虽然每个生成的GUID不能保证是唯一的,但唯一键(2128或3.4×1038)的总数非常大,以致两次生成相同数字的概率非常小。 你可以在这里查看更多信息。 避免重复的GUID(如果你仍然需要的话)的一个可能的解决方案是使用UNIQUE约束 。 While each generated GUID is not guaranteed to be unique, the total number of unique keys (2128 or 3.4×1038) is so large that the prob ...
  • “聚合器必须将guid视为一个字符串。语法没有规则。这取决于RSS文档的创建者,以确定字符串的唯一性。” 资料来源: w3schools "Aggregators must view the guid as a string. There are no rules for the syntax. It's up to the creator of the RSS document, to establish the uniqueness of the string." Source: w3schools
  • 你是如何将Guids变成弦乐的? 您可以使用Guid.ToString("N")生成不带连字符的字符串guid。 您可能还必须在开头放置一个非数字 - 如果这样做,使用String.Format()可能最容易做到: string guidStr = string.Format("X{0:N}", Guid.NewGuid()); // Prefix with "X" How are you turning the Guids into strings? You can use Guid.ToString( ...
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