首页 \ 问答 \ R数值向量列表 - >带有Rcpp的C ++ 2d数组(R List of numeric vectors -> C++ 2d array with Rcpp)

R数值向量列表 - >带有Rcpp的C ++ 2d数组(R List of numeric vectors -> C++ 2d array with Rcpp)

我主要使用R,但最终想使用Rcpp与一些C ++函数接口,这些函数接收并返回2d数字数组。 因此,为了开始使用C ++和Rcpp,我想我只是做了一个小函数,将我的可变长度数字向量的R列表转换为C ++等价物并再次返回。


test1 = cxxfunction(signature(x='List'), body = 
  using namespace std;
  List xlist(x);
  int xlen = xlist.size();
  vector< vector<int> > xx;
  for(int i=0; i<xlen; i++) {
    vector<int> test = as<vector<int> > (xlist[i]);
, plugin='Rcpp')


> test1(list(1:2, 4:6))
[1] 1 2

[1] 4 5 6

不可否认,我只是通过非常详尽的文档的一部分,但有一个更好的(即更像Rcpp)方式来做R - > C ++转换而不是for循环? 我想可能不是,因为文档提到(至少使用内置方法)“提供的灵活性较低,目前处理R对象转换为原始类型”,但我想检查,因为我非常喜欢这方面的新手。

I mainly use R, but eventually would like to use Rcpp to interface with some C++ functions that take in and return 2d numeric arrays. So to start out playing around with C++ and Rcpp, I thought I'd just make a little function that converts my R list of variable-length numeric vectors to the C++ equivalent and back again.


test1 = cxxfunction(signature(x='List'), body = 
  using namespace std;
  List xlist(x);
  int xlen = xlist.size();
  vector< vector<int> > xx;
  for(int i=0; i<xlen; i++) {
    vector<int> test = as<vector<int> > (xlist[i]);
, plugin='Rcpp')

This works like I expect:

> test1(list(1:2, 4:6))
[1] 1 2

[1] 4 5 6

Admittedly I am only part way through the very thorough documentation, but is there a nicer (i.e. more Rcpp-like) way to do the R -> C++ conversion than with the for loop? I am thinking possibly not, since the documentation mentions that (at least with the built-in methods) as "offers less flexibility and currently handles conversion of R objects into primitive types", but I wanted to check because I'm very much a novice in this area.

更新时间:2022-09-06 22:09


不幸的是,没有办法通过当前的API一次获得多个线程主题。 但是,您可以采取一些措施来改善性能:

  1. 使用API​​的分页功能一次获取有限数量的线程。

  2. 并行获取批量消息,而不是一次尝试获取所有消息或一次获取所有消息。 为自己做实验,但5开始时就是一个很好的数字。

  3. 如果这是一个浏览器实现,请考虑拨打后端,而不是从浏览器拨打电话。 这样,客户端每页只进行1次调用,它允许您为服务器添加缓存和预加载机制,从而改善客户体验。 这里潜在的缺点是可扩展性; 随着您获得更多客户端,您将需要比胖客户端方法更多的处理能力。



function getThread(threadId, done) {
  threadRequest.id = e.id;
  gmail.api.users.threads.get(threadRequest).execute(function(thread) {

gmail.api.users.threads.list({userId:myUserId}).execute(function(threads) { 
  function fetchNextThread() {
    var nextThread = threads.shift();
    nextThread.id && getThread(nextThread.id, fetchNextThread);

  for (var i = 0; i < CONCURRENCY_LIMIT; i++) {

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to get more than one thread subject at a time through the current API. However, there are a few things you might do to improve the performance:

  1. Use the API's paging feature to fetch limited amounts of threads at once.

  2. Fetch batches of messages in parallel rather than attempting to fetch all at once or one at a time. Experiment for yourself, but 5 would be a good number to start with.

  3. If this is a browser implementation, consider making a call to your back-end instead of making the calls from the browser. This way the client only makes 1 call per page, and it allows you to potentially add caching and pre-loading mechanisms to your server that will improve the customer experience. The potential downside here is scalability; as you get more clients, you'll need considerably more processing power than an fat-client approach.

As an example of #2, you could fetch 5 initially, and then have the callback for each function fire the next call so there are always 5 fetching concurrently:


function getThread(threadId, done) {
  threadRequest.id = e.id;
  gmail.api.users.threads.get(threadRequest).execute(function(thread) {

gmail.api.users.threads.list({userId:myUserId}).execute(function(threads) { 
  function fetchNextThread() {
    var nextThread = threads.shift();
    nextThread.id && getThread(nextThread.id, fetchNextThread);

  for (var i = 0; i < CONCURRENCY_LIMIT; i++) {


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