首页 \ 问答 \ 如何将文件内容读入批处理文件中的变量?(How to read file contents into a variable in a batch file?)

如何将文件内容读入批处理文件中的变量?(How to read file contents into a variable in a batch file?)

该批处理文件将从TEST发布到LIVE。 我想在此文件中添加一个检查约束,以确保在特定文件夹中有一个附带的发行文档。

"C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\robocopy.exe" "\\testserver\testapp$"        
"\\liveserver\liveapp$" *.* /E /XA:H /PURGE /XO /XD ".svn" /NDL /NC /NS /NP
del "\\liveserver\liveapp$\web.config"
ren "\\liveserver\liveapp$\web.live.config" web.config


  1. \\testserver\testapp$文件夹中有一个version.txt文件,该文件的唯一内容是构建号(例如,45 - 用于构建45)如何读取version.txt文件的内容在批处理文件中变成一个变量?

  2. 如何使用第1部分的变量代替{build},检查文件\\fileserver\myapp\releasedocs\ {build}.doc存在?

This batch file releases a build from TEST to LIVE. I want to add a check constraint in this file that ensures there is an accomanying release document in a specific folder.

"C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\robocopy.exe" "\\testserver\testapp$"        
"\\liveserver\liveapp$" *.* /E /XA:H /PURGE /XO /XD ".svn" /NDL /NC /NS /NP
del "\\liveserver\liveapp$\web.config"
ren "\\liveserver\liveapp$\web.live.config" web.config

So I have a couple of questions about how to achieve this...

  1. There is a version.txt file in the \\testserver\testapp$ folder, and the only contents of this file is the build number (for example, 45 - for build 45) How do I read the contents of the version.txt file into a variable in the batch file?

  2. How do I check if a file ,\\fileserver\myapp\releasedocs\ {build}.doc, exists using the variable from part 1 in place of {build}?

更新时间:2022-10-01 14:10



也许这是Android Studio 2.0预览中即时运行功能的错误。

Instant Run是Android Studio 2.0中引入的一项新功能。


Android Studio --> Preferences --> Build, execution, deploy --> Instant run.


I discovered that the dex file was getting larger than the buffer, even though it contained less than 64k methods. Then I enabled ProGuard and it helped a lot reducing the dex file size.

THe application dex-method-counts helps a lot to debug your dex file, by checking not only the number of methods, but to what package they belong


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