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Redshift(业务分析)(Redshift (Business Analytics))

我正在使用亚马逊学生订阅数据仓库项目。 我已经能够设置redshift集群,我可以通过sql工作台查询表。 我需要对数据执行BI分析任务,我发现开源的唯一选择是Redash。 我无法确定在redash redshift设置中所需的“host”字段中输入的内容。 另外,有没有直接的方式来执行该操作?

I am using Amazon student subscription for a datawarehouse project. I have been able to setup redshift cluster and I am able to query tables via sql work bench. I need to perform BI analysis tasks on the data, the only option I found that was open source is Redash. I am not being able to identify what to enter in "host" field required in the redash redshift setup. Plus, is there any straight forward way to perform that?

更新时间:2022-05-01 15:05


jQuery $ .when()接受延迟对象。 当您的ajaxRequisition返回non deferred$.when()将返回已解决的promise。


function ajaxRequisition1 () {
    return $.ajax({

function ajaxRequisition2 () {
    return $.ajax({

$.when.apply(null, [ajaxRequisition1(),ajaxRequisition2()]).done(function () {
    console.log("Completed all requests.");

jQuery $.when() accepts deferred objects. While your ajaxRequisition returns a non deferred, $.when() will then return a resolved promise.

Try to change your code,

function ajaxRequisition1 () {
    return $.ajax({

function ajaxRequisition2 () {
    return $.ajax({

$.when.apply(null, [ajaxRequisition1(),ajaxRequisition2()]).done(function () {
    console.log("Completed all requests.");


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