首页 \ 问答 \ Raycast或时间或滞后?(Raycast or timing or lag?)

Raycast或时间或滞后?(Raycast or timing or lag?)

所以我正在从教程中对一个raycast物理处理程序进行测试。 我正在从每个模拟的相同高度下降一个块,目标是使块以平滑的方式落在平坦表面的顶部。 目前,我的光线投影通过皮肤宽度从盒子的底部突出,raylength缩小了velocity.y如下所示:

rayOrigin += Vector2.right * (verticalRaySpacing * i + velocity.x);
//Sends out the ray at its respective spot an length

RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayOrigin, Vector2.up * directionY, rayLength, collisionMask);
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, Vector2.up * directionY * rayLength, Color.red);

//If the ray hits, make velocity = distance to the hit distance - skin width
//Also reset the rayLength for edge height discrepencies
if (hit)
    //Reports the very first hit.distance and velocity.y at the first hit
    if (!temp && hit.distance != 0)
        temp = true;

    velocity.y = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * directionY;
    rayLength = hit.distance;


所以基本上,有时候它会在比其他时间更高的距离感应到碰撞,从而迫使它在太空中停止半空。 我已经通过观察hit.distancevelocity.y上的hit.distance映射了这一点。 这种不利影响发生的时间, hit.distance距离大于0.1velocity.y hit.distance大约是-9.56 ,而hit.distance距离有利的hit.distance0.1以下, velocity.y -9.67-9.67

当我根本不改变系统时,什么导致模拟高度和数字的差异? 是编辑中的滞后还是需要考虑的事情? 它会出现在移动应用程序上吗?


So i'm running a test on a raycast physics handler from a tutorial. I am dropping a block from the same height each simulation with the goal to have the block land on top of a flat surface in one smooth motion. Currently, I have raycasts projecting out of the bottom of the box through a skin width with the raylength scaling off the velocity.y as seen below:

rayOrigin += Vector2.right * (verticalRaySpacing * i + velocity.x);
//Sends out the ray at its respective spot an length

RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayOrigin, Vector2.up * directionY, rayLength, collisionMask);
Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, Vector2.up * directionY * rayLength, Color.red);

//If the ray hits, make velocity = distance to the hit distance - skin width
//Also reset the rayLength for edge height discrepencies
if (hit)
    //Reports the very first hit.distance and velocity.y at the first hit
    if (!temp && hit.distance != 0)
        temp = true;

    velocity.y = (hit.distance - skinWidth) * directionY;
    rayLength = hit.distance;

My problem is that when i run this simulation over and over, about half the time when the block collides with the flat surface it produces this initial "stopping force" a bit above the surface, and then the gravity on the block restarts and pulls it directly onto the surface.

So basically, sometimes it is sensing a collision at higher distances than other times forcing it to stop mid-air too early. I have mapped this out by watching the Debug.Log on the hit.distance and velocity.y. The times where this unfavorable effect happens, the hit.distance is above 0.1 and the velocity.y is about -9.56, while the times that are favorable the hit.distance is somewhere below 0.1 and the velocity.y is -9.67.

What is causing this difference in the simulation heights and numbers when i am not changing the system at all? Is it lag in the editor or something that needs to be accounted for? Will it show up on a mobile App?

Thanks for your help.

更新时间:2022-06-23 12:06


ActiveAdmin Sortable gem与资源,动作一起使用时


将添加到您的帖子的控制器。 我想你可以用

can(:sort, Post)

在ability.rb文件中。 您可能必须有条件地隐藏/显示可排序的句柄列。 我想你可以在索引部分这样做:

index do
  sortable_handle_column if can?(:sort, Post)

When using ActiveAdmin Sortable gem with a resource, an action


will be added to the controller for your Post. I think you can use

can(:sort, Post)

in the ability.rb file. You may have to conditionally hide/show the sortable handle column. I think you can do it this way in the index part:

index do
  sortable_handle_column if can?(:sort, Post)


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