首页 \ 问答 \ Rails 3:在某些部分强制HTTP,在其他部分强制使用HTTPS?(Rails 3: Forcing HTTP in some parts, and Forcing HTTPS in others?)

Rails 3:在某些部分强制HTTP,在其他部分强制使用HTTPS?(Rails 3: Forcing HTTP in some parts, and Forcing HTTPS in others?)

我目前正试图找到一种方法来强制某些路由的http(更快,不需要安全性)和强制https用于更敏感的页面。 我看到了答案: Rails 3 SSL弃用 ,但它似乎不起作用。


scope :constraints => { :protocol => 'http' } do
  root :to => 'site#index'

但是当我试图转到localhost:3000时,它只是抛出了错误No route matches [GET] "/"

是否有一种干净的方法在某些地方强制http并在其他地方强制使用https(我可以在我的控制器中使用force_ssl ,但是有一个force_http吗?)路线的范围看起来很干净,但它对我不起作用。 我做错了吗?


def ensure_proper_protocol
  unless Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
    if request.protocol["https"] && !CONTROLLERS_THAT_REQUIRE_SSL.include?(params[:controller])
      redirect_to "http://" + request.host + request.path

I'm currently trying to find out a way to force http for some routes (faster, no need for security) and forcing https for more sensitive pages. I saw the answer to this: Rails 3 SSL Deprecation , but it doesn't seem to work.

I added a scope around my root url:

scope :constraints => { :protocol => 'http' } do
  root :to => 'site#index'

But it just threw the error No route matches [GET] "/" when I tried to go to localhost:3000.

Is there a clean way to force http in some places and force https in others (I could use force_ssl in my controller, but is there a force_http?) The scope around the routes looks clean, but it isn't working for me. Am I doing it wrong?

How about a method like this?

def ensure_proper_protocol
  unless Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
    if request.protocol["https"] && !CONTROLLERS_THAT_REQUIRE_SSL.include?(params[:controller])
      redirect_to "http://" + request.host + request.path

更新时间:2021-09-16 10:09


由于doSomething [1][2,1] ,因此您的代码相当于:

afterThreeTurns = do
   first <- ["test"]
   x <- [2,1]
   return first

这与列表理解[ first | first <- ["test"], x <- [2,1] ] [ first | first <- ["test"], x <- [2,1] ] ,这就解释了为什么你得到长度为2的列表。


afterThreeTurns = do
   first <- ["test"]
   _ <- [2,1]
   return first

这是使用IO monad的一个类似情况。 代码:

thirdLine = do
  x <- getLine
  putStrLn $ "The third line is: " ++ x


thirdLine = do
  _ <- getLine
  _ <- getLine
  x <- getLine
  putStrLn $ "The third line is: " ++ x

您可以-fwarn-unused-do-bind编译器标志来让ghc标记这些类型的-fwarn-unused-do-bind语句。 在你的例子中,ghc会发出警告:

...: Warning:
    A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ‘Int’
    Suppress this warning by saying ‘_ <- doSomething [1]’
    or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind

Since doSomething [1] is [2,1], your code is equivalent to:

afterThreeTurns = do
   first <- ["test"]
   x <- [2,1]
   return first

This is the same as the list comprehension [ first | first <- ["test"], x <- [2,1] ] which explains why you are getting a list of length 2.

Note that the variable x is not referenced anywhere, so this could also be written:

afterThreeTurns = do
   first <- ["test"]
   _ <- [2,1]
   return first

Here is an analogous case using the IO monad. The code:

thirdLine = do
  x <- getLine
  putStrLn $ "The third line is: " ++ x

is the same as:

thirdLine = do
  _ <- getLine
  _ <- getLine
  x <- getLine
  putStrLn $ "The third line is: " ++ x

You can get ghc to flag these kinds of monadic statements with the -fwarn-unused-do-bind compiler flag. In your example ghc will emit the warning:

...: Warning:
    A do-notation statement discarded a result of type ‘Int’
    Suppress this warning by saying ‘_ <- doSomething [1]’
    or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind


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