首页 \ 问答 \ Rails5 - ruby 2.2.3 // ActiveSupport :: TimeZone如何变化?(Rails5 - ruby 2.2.3 // how ActiveSupport::TimeZone changed?)

Rails5 - ruby 2.2.3 // ActiveSupport :: TimeZone如何变化?(Rails5 - ruby 2.2.3 // how ActiveSupport::TimeZone changed?)

在昨天( 这里 )提出一个关于时区的问题,以下内容不适用于使用ruby 2.2.3运行的rails 5:


在哪里可以阅读这个新版本之间的差异? 有什么办法可以做到这一点?

Asking a question yesterday (here) about time zones, the following is not working with rails 5 running on ruby 2.2.3 :


Where can one read about the differences of use between with this new version ? What could be the way to achieve the same ?

更新时间:2023-07-15 16:07


您可以使用“ 如何从列表中删除重复项”中set方法,同时保留顺序? ,使用x[1]作为唯一标识符:

def unique_second_element(seq):
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [x for x in seq if not (x[1] in seen or seen_add(x[1]))]

请注意,如果您想保留最后一次出现, OrderedDict方法也会显示; 对于第一次发生,您必须将输入反向,然后再次反向输出。


def unique_preserve_order(seq, key=None):
    if key is None:
        key = lambda elem: elem
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    augmented = ((key(x), x) for x in seq)
    return [x for k, x in augmented if not (k in seen or seen_add(k))]


import operator

unique_preserve_order(yourlist, key=operator.itemgetter(1))


>>> def unique_preserve_order(seq, key=None):
...     if key is None:
...         key = lambda elem: elem
...     seen = set()
...     seen_add = seen.add
...     augmented = ((key(x), x) for x in seq)
...     return [x for k, x in augmented if not (k in seen or seen_add(k))]
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> import operator
>>> yourlist = [(67, u'top-coldestcitiesinamerica'), (66, u'ecofriendlyideastocelebrateindependenceday-phpapp'), (65, u'a-b-c-ca-d-ab-ea-d-c-c'), (64, u'a-b-c-ca-d-ab-ea-d-c-c'), (63, u'alexandre-meybeck-faowhatisclimate-smartagriculture-backgroundopportunitiesandchallenges'), (62, u'ghgemissions'), (61, u'top-coldestcitiesinamerica'), (58, u'infographicthe-stateofdigitaltransformationaltimetergroup'), (57, u'culture'), (55, u'cas-k-ihaveanidea'), (54, u'trendsfor'), (53, u'batteryimpedance'), (52, u'evs-howey-full'), (51, u'bericht'), (49, u'classiccarinsurance'), (47, u'uploaded_file'), (46, u'x_file'), (45, u's-s-main'), (44, u'vehicle-propulsion'), (43, u'x_file')]
>>> pprint(unique_preserve_order(yourlist, operator.itemgetter(1)))
[(67, u'top-coldestcitiesinamerica'),
 (66, u'ecofriendlyideastocelebrateindependenceday-phpapp'),
 (65, u'a-b-c-ca-d-ab-ea-d-c-c'),
 (62, u'ghgemissions'),
 (58, u'infographicthe-stateofdigitaltransformationaltimetergroup'),
 (57, u'culture'),
 (55, u'cas-k-ihaveanidea'),
 (54, u'trendsfor'),
 (53, u'batteryimpedance'),
 (52, u'evs-howey-full'),
 (51, u'bericht'),
 (49, u'classiccarinsurance'),
 (47, u'uploaded_file'),
 (46, u'x_file'),
 (45, u's-s-main'),
 (44, u'vehicle-propulsion')]

You could use the set approach from How do you remove duplicates from a list in whilst preserving order?, using x[1] as the unique identifier:

def unique_second_element(seq):
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [x for x in seq if not (x[1] in seen or seen_add(x[1]))]

Note that the OrderedDict approach also shown would also work if you wanted to preserve the last occurrence; for a first occurrence you'd have to reverse the input then reverse again for the output.

You could make this even more generic by supporting a key function:

def unique_preserve_order(seq, key=None):
    if key is None:
        key = lambda elem: elem
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    augmented = ((key(x), x) for x in seq)
    return [x for k, x in augmented if not (k in seen or seen_add(k))]

then use

import operator

unique_preserve_order(yourlist, key=operator.itemgetter(1))


>>> def unique_preserve_order(seq, key=None):
...     if key is None:
...         key = lambda elem: elem
...     seen = set()
...     seen_add = seen.add
...     augmented = ((key(x), x) for x in seq)
...     return [x for k, x in augmented if not (k in seen or seen_add(k))]
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> import operator
>>> yourlist = [(67, u'top-coldestcitiesinamerica'), (66, u'ecofriendlyideastocelebrateindependenceday-phpapp'), (65, u'a-b-c-ca-d-ab-ea-d-c-c'), (64, u'a-b-c-ca-d-ab-ea-d-c-c'), (63, u'alexandre-meybeck-faowhatisclimate-smartagriculture-backgroundopportunitiesandchallenges'), (62, u'ghgemissions'), (61, u'top-coldestcitiesinamerica'), (58, u'infographicthe-stateofdigitaltransformationaltimetergroup'), (57, u'culture'), (55, u'cas-k-ihaveanidea'), (54, u'trendsfor'), (53, u'batteryimpedance'), (52, u'evs-howey-full'), (51, u'bericht'), (49, u'classiccarinsurance'), (47, u'uploaded_file'), (46, u'x_file'), (45, u's-s-main'), (44, u'vehicle-propulsion'), (43, u'x_file')]
>>> pprint(unique_preserve_order(yourlist, operator.itemgetter(1)))
[(67, u'top-coldestcitiesinamerica'),
 (66, u'ecofriendlyideastocelebrateindependenceday-phpapp'),
 (65, u'a-b-c-ca-d-ab-ea-d-c-c'),
 (62, u'ghgemissions'),
 (58, u'infographicthe-stateofdigitaltransformationaltimetergroup'),
 (57, u'culture'),
 (55, u'cas-k-ihaveanidea'),
 (54, u'trendsfor'),
 (53, u'batteryimpedance'),
 (52, u'evs-howey-full'),
 (51, u'bericht'),
 (49, u'classiccarinsurance'),
 (47, u'uploaded_file'),
 (46, u'x_file'),
 (45, u's-s-main'),
 (44, u'vehicle-propulsion')]


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