首页 \ 问答 \ R3如何使用脚本标题的Needs字段?(How does R3 use the Needs field of a script header? Is there any impact on namespaces?)

R3如何使用脚本标题的Needs字段?(How does R3 use the Needs field of a script header? Is there any impact on namespaces?)


背景。 我目前正在尝试将一些R2脚本移植到R3以学习R3。 在R2中,脚本标题的Needs字段本质上只是文档,但我使用自定义函数来引用使脚本运行所需的脚本。



    title: {test parent}
    needs: [%test-child.r]

parent: now
?? parent
?? child


    title: {test child}

child: now
?? child

R3 Alpha(Saphiron build 22-Feb-2013/11:09:25)返回:

>> do %test-parent.r
Script: "test parent" Version: none Date: none
child: 9-May-2013/22:51:52+10:00
parent: 9-May-2013/22:51:52+10:00
** Script error: child has no value
** Where: get ajoin case ?? catch either either -apply- do
** Near: get :name



I'd like to know the behaviour of R3 when processing the Needs field of a script header and what implications for word binding it has.

Background. I'm currently trying to port some R2 scripts to R3 in order to learn R3. In R2 the Needs field of a script header was essentially just documentation, though I made use of it with a custom function to reference scripts that are required to make my script run.

R3 appears to call the Needs referenced scripts itself, but the binding seems different to DOing the other scripts.

For example when %test-parent.r is:

    title: {test parent}
    needs: [%test-child.r]

parent: now
?? parent
?? child

and %test-child is:

    title: {test child}

child: now
?? child

R3 Alpha (Saphiron build 22-Feb-2013/11:09:25) returns:

>> do %test-parent.r
Script: "test parent" Version: none Date: none
child: 9-May-2013/22:51:52+10:00
parent: 9-May-2013/22:51:52+10:00
** Script error: child has no value
** Where: get ajoin case ?? catch either either -apply- do
** Near: get :name

I don't understand why test-parent cannot access Child set by %test-child.r

If I remove the Needs field from test-parent.r header and instead insert a line to just DO %test-child.r then there is no error and the script performs as expected.

更新时间:2023-08-25 13:08


ProGet v3.5.x版已经解决了这个问题。

ProGet v3.5.x version has resolved the issue.


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