首页 \ 问答 \ Python转置,列名在数据帧记录内(Python transpose, column name are inside the dataframe records)

Python转置,列名在数据帧记录内(Python transpose, column name are inside the dataframe records)


我下载了一个ForEx数据框,并希望保存它,但在我这样做之前,我必须将其格式化为8列/ X行,矩阵/数据帧/向量(根据需要多行)。 我把它作为一行,每个记录旁边都有他的列名。 (我可以将它保存在.CSV中)




在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

    source_df = get_ForEx_data(**params)
list(source_df )
TransposedData = source_df .transpose()


def get_poloinex_data(s, a, b, c):

import requests
from pandas import DataFrame
from io import StringIO

url = 'https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnChartData'

url += '&currencyPair=' + s #USDT a dollár
url += '&start=' + a
url += '&end=' + b
url += '&period=' + c

csv = requests.get(url)

if csv.ok:
    return DataFrame.from_csv(StringIO(csv.text), sep=',') #Separátor itt!
    return None


Columns: [high:1.85, low:0.50000021, open:1.65, close:1.85, volume:144.42819254, quoteVolume:84.01638508, weightedAverage:1.71904792}, {"date":1439020800, high:1.7, low:1.40000001, open:1.7, close:1.40000001, volume:129.57577588, quoteVolume:92.52305316, weightedAverage:1.40047016}, {"date":1439035200, high:1.40000001, low:1.40000001.1, open:1.40000001, close:1.40000001.1, volume:0, quoteVolume:0, weightedAverage:1.40000001}, {"date":1439049600, high:1.40000001.1, low:1.40000001.2, open:1.40000001.1, close:1.40000001.2, volume:0.1, quoteVolume:0.1, weightedAverage:1.40000001}.1, {"date":....


              close                 date       high        low       open  \
0      1.850000  2015-08-08 04:00:00   1.850000   0.500000   1.650000   
1      1.400000  2015-08-08 08:00:00   1.700000   1.400000   1.700000   
2      1.400000  2015-08-08 12:00:00   1.400000   1.400000   1.400000   
3      1.400000  2015-08-08 16:00:00   1.400000   1.400000   1.400000


I'm quite sure that I'm missing something very elementary here, but I didn't really found what i was looking for in the pandas documentation.

I download a ForEx data-frame , and want to save it, but before I do that, I have to format it to a 8 columns/X rows, matrix/data-frame/vector (as many rows as needed). I have it as a line with every record having his column name next to it. (I can save it in .CSV)

My powers here are .transpose, which alone isn't doing the trick.

I already succeded with this once, but I seems to have forgotten to save the code and it was a while back.... But thanks to this I can show you an older csv I read in to python, and show how I want to format it.

(column names: Index(not really a column, it is just the index),close,date,high,low,open,close,qouteVolume,volume,weightedAvarage)

enter image description here enter image description here

    source_df = get_ForEx_data(**params)
list(source_df )
TransposedData = source_df .transpose()

Edit: (function that gets the data from the internet)

def get_poloinex_data(s, a, b, c):

import requests
from pandas import DataFrame
from io import StringIO

url = 'https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnChartData'

url += '&currencyPair=' + s #USDT a dollár
url += '&start=' + a
url += '&end=' + b
url += '&period=' + c

csv = requests.get(url)

if csv.ok:
    return DataFrame.from_csv(StringIO(csv.text), sep=',') #Separátor itt!
    return None

The data I get using this is like this in python:

Columns: [high:1.85, low:0.50000021, open:1.65, close:1.85, volume:144.42819254, quoteVolume:84.01638508, weightedAverage:1.71904792}, {"date":1439020800, high:1.7, low:1.40000001, open:1.7, close:1.40000001, volume:129.57577588, quoteVolume:92.52305316, weightedAverage:1.40047016}, {"date":1439035200, high:1.40000001, low:1.40000001.1, open:1.40000001, close:1.40000001.1, volume:0, quoteVolume:0, weightedAverage:1.40000001}, {"date":1439049600, high:1.40000001.1, low:1.40000001.2, open:1.40000001.1, close:1.40000001.2, volume:0.1, quoteVolume:0.1, weightedAverage:1.40000001}.1, {"date":....

what I looking for is like this:

              close                 date       high        low       open  \
0      1.850000  2015-08-08 04:00:00   1.850000   0.500000   1.650000   
1      1.400000  2015-08-08 08:00:00   1.700000   1.400000   1.700000   
2      1.400000  2015-08-08 12:00:00   1.400000   1.400000   1.400000   
3      1.400000  2015-08-08 16:00:00   1.400000   1.400000   1.400000

and so on with the remaining columns

更新时间:2023-09-20 14:09


它似乎可行。 关于针对ARM的交叉编译tesseract-ocr的这个错误报告以一种解决方法结束,声称它可以从那里开始工作: http//code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/issues/detail?id = 262

It does seem doable. This bug report on cross compiling tesseract-ocr for ARM ends with a workaround and the claim that it works from there on: http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/issues/detail?id=262


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