首页 \ 问答 \ 在python中查找匹配的部分子字符串(Find matching partial substring in python)

在python中查找匹配的部分子字符串(Find matching partial substring in python)


“设备”中的第一个元素。 显然它与“projname:dataset.devices”匹配。 如果找到匹配,循环应该中断,否则它应该检查名词中的第二个元素,即“今天”是否匹配表中的任何元素。

    tables = ["projname:dataset.devices","projname:dataset.attempts"]

    noun = [devices,today]

我用“名词在表格”中尝试了,我得到了空洞的结果。 我还可以尝试其他方法吗?

提前致谢 !!

I want to check if any element in noun matches any one of the elements in tables.

First element in nous in "devices". Clearly it matches with "projname:dataset.devices". If a match is found, loop should break, else it should check whether second element in noun, which is "today" matches any element in the tables.

    tables = ["projname:dataset.devices","projname:dataset.attempts"]

    noun = [devices,today]

I tried it with "noun in tables", i got empty result. Is there any other method that I can try with?

Thanks in advance !!

更新时间:2023-04-15 17:04



<div style="white-space:nowrap;">





我认为问题在于你使用基于百分比的宽度和px作为边距 - 很容易忘记你有多少可用空间,随后你的布局分崩离析。 考虑两个左侧浮动DIV,宽度为50%,边距为1px,每次都会突破两行,因为这超过了100%。

我改变了你的小提琴: http//jsfiddle.net/R62w4/5/


PS您可以使用基于百分比的边距,并确保您想要在一行上的所有内容<= 100%。

You might be able to wrap them in this:

<div style="white-space:nowrap;">


... to prevent that from happening.

It's hard to know exactly where the problem is, could you post some code or make a JSFiddle?


I believe the problem is that you are using % based widths and px for margins - it's easy to lose track of how much available space you have and subsequently your layout falls apart. Consider that two left floated DIVs of 50% width with 1px of margin each will break on to two lines every time because that's more than 100%.

I changed your fiddle a bit: http://jsfiddle.net/R62w4/5/

... just by moving the left margin from your first DIV and right margin from your other two to the parent container seems to give enough room for everything.

P.S. You can use % based margins and just make sure everything you want to be on one line stays <= 100%.


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