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pymc3:使用NUTS(pymc3: using NUTS)

我想在不同的mcmc方法之间进行公平的比较,特别是我想比较我的方法和NUTS的采样性能。 但是,我认为pymc3中的采样函数具有许多设置/调整功能,可以改善采样算法超出原始方法的性能。

所以,我想知道是否有人能告诉我如何禁用这些调音。 简而言之,我只想要一个简单的NUTS算法(通过NUTS,我的意思是算法6:双平均的高效无U型转弯取样器)


I want to have a fair comparison between different mcmc methods, particularly, I want to compare the sampling performance of my method with NUTS. However, I think the sampling function in pymc3 has lots of settings/tuning which improve the performance of the sampling algorithms beyond the original methods.

So, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to disable those tunings. In short, I just want to have a simple NUTS algorithm (by NUTS, I mean Algorithm 6: Efficient No-U-Turn Sampler with Dual Averaging)


更新时间:2022-07-26 09:07



将Blue嵌入到简单的HTML页面中,确保您的原始帐户设置还包括localhost,并使用http-server(或类似)在localhost(http-server -a localhost)上运行。 然后,您可以通过浏览器打开该HTML文件,从本地计算机上使用Blue进行探索(很可能是url将是localhost:8080 - 它将告诉您何时运行http-server使用它的端口)。


请务必查看文档以获取更多信息: http//developer.bodylabs.com/blue_reference.html

The easiest way to sample Blue before embedding is actually to make a practice HTML page on a local machine.

Embed Blue into a simple HTML page, make sure that your origin account settings also include localhost, and use http-server (or similar) to run on your localhost (http-server -a localhost) . You can then explore with Blue from your local machine by opening that HTML file from your browser (most likely the url will be localhost:8080 - it will tell you when you run the http-server what port to use it on).

Just be sure to remove localhost from your account settings before using your app in production!

Be sure to check out the documentation for more information: http://developer.bodylabs.com/blue_reference.html


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  • 在嵌入之前对Blue进行采样的最简单方法实际上是在本地计算机上创建HTML页面。 将Blue嵌入到简单的HTML页面中,确保您的原始帐户设置还包括localhost,并使用http-server(或类似)在localhost(http-server -a localhost)上运行。 然后,您可以通过浏览器打开该HTML文件,从本地计算机上使用Blue进行探索(很可能是url将是localhost:8080 - 它将告诉您何时运行http-server使用它的端口)。 在生产中使用您的应用之前,请务必从您的 ...
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