首页 \ 问答 \ PL / pgSQL执行与执行(PL/pgSQL perform vs execute)

PL / pgSQL执行与执行(PL/pgSQL perform vs execute)

在PL / pgSQL上执行和执行有什么区别?


有时,对表达式或SELECT查询进行求值,但丢弃结果很有用,例如,在调用具有副作用但没有有用结果值的函数时。 要在PL / pgSQL中执行此操作,请使用PERFORM语句。


perform 'create table foo as (select 1)';

什么都没发生。 虽然这个查询应该有副作用(创建表),并且结果可以被丢弃。


perform pg_temp.addInheritance(foo);

What are the difference between perform and execute on PL/pgSQL?

From the manual:

Sometimes it is useful to evaluate an expression or SELECT query but discard the result, for example when calling a function that has side-effects but no useful result value. To do this in PL/pgSQL, use the PERFORM statement.

But, when I'm trying something like:

perform 'create table foo as (select 1)';

Nothing happens. Although this query should have side effects (creating table), and the result can be discarded.

I think I get 1 thing right: in order to run functions I can use perform:

perform pg_temp.addInheritance(foo);

更新时间:2022-12-01 20:12



import IHR_TestSuiteConfig.py


import IHR_TestSuiteConfig



from ..Settings import IHR_TestSuiteConfig

或者你需要操纵你的PYTHONPATH环境变量来将Settings直接放到sys.path (在VS Code中你可以创建一个.env文件来做到这一点,但是它不会'影响从终端运行Python,只有当VS Code运行例如Pylint)。

In your code you have the line:

import IHR_TestSuiteConfig.py

That won't work because you don't specify modules to import by file name but by module name, e.g.:

import IHR_TestSuiteConfig

But looking at your screenshot you have a bigger issue of the code being kept in a Settings directory at the same level as your Lib directory containing the code you are importing into.

You need to either anchor all of your code up a level so you can do:

from ..Settings import IHR_TestSuiteConfig

Or you need to manipulate your PYTHONPATH environment variable to put Settings directly on to sys.path (in VS Code you can create a .env file to do this, but it won't' affect running Python from the terminal, only when VS Code runs e.g. Pylint).


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