首页 \ 问答 \ 频繁写入的iOS上的mmap性能(mmap performance on iOS with frequent writes)

频繁写入的iOS上的mmap性能(mmap performance on iOS with frequent writes)

我在绘图应用程序中使用iOS上的mmap函数。 我有一个使用mmap的文件,然后从该内存中创建一个CGBitmapContext 。 用户可以用它们的手指在这个CGBitmapContext上执行许多核心图形操作,这将导致内存不断更新。

这种刷新频率多久会闪存到闪存存储器,这是闪存存储器还是性能问题? 我没有注意到我的测试有什么不好,但是我对mmap

I am using the mmap function on iOS in a drawing app. I have a file that uses mmap and then I create a CGBitmapContext from that memory. The user may perform many core graphics operations on this CGBitmapContext with their finger, which will cause the memory to be updated constantly.

How often will this flush to the flash storage and is this a concern for wearing out the flash storage or for performance? I haven't noticed anything bad in my tests, but I am not familiar enough with mmap to know for sure.

更新时间:2022-06-27 15:06


如果设置了$_POST['search']$db->disconnect(); 所以它无法在您的表单中运行查询。

$db->disconnect(); 超出你的if()语句,并把它放在文件的末尾。

If $_POST['search'] is set, you $db->disconnect(); so it can't run the query in your form.

Take the $db->disconnect(); out of your if() statement, and put it at the end of the file.


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