首页 \ 问答 \ PHP的正则表达式来检查一个数字是否由5位数组成(php regular expression to check whether a number consists of 5 digits)

PHP的正则表达式来检查一个数字是否由5位数组成(php regular expression to check whether a number consists of 5 digits)


how to write a regular expression to check whether a number is consisting only of 5 digits?

更新时间:2024-01-21 14:01



dx = x1 - x2;
dy = y1 - y2;

dist = sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy);


d = y1 - y2;

如果你的线被定义为y1 = k1x + n1y2 = k2x + n2 ,那么(它们是水平的, k1k2是0)它们之间的距离是n2 - n1

编辑:好的,在你编辑了你的问题之后,它现在变得更有意义了。 但仍然是:既然你(或用户)正在添加行,你的代码总是知道它们在哪里。 他们的结束坐标是:

line1:{(0,y1):( picture.width,y1)} line2:{(0,y2):( picture.width,y2)} distance:| y2-y1 |


您应该在适当的空间中保留对y1和y2(来自放线代码)的引用。 由于您的问题是针对Android和iOS的,因此答案是:在与MVC中的model相对应的那部分代码中。

Distance between two points (Pythagora):

dx = x1 - x2;
dy = y1 - y2;

dist = sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy);

Distance between two horizontal lines:

d = y1 - y2;

If your lines are defined as y1 = k1x + n1 and y2 = k2x + n2, then (they're horizontal, k1 and k2 are 0) the distance between them is n2 - n1.

EDIT: ok, after you edited your question it makes a bit more sense now. But still: since you (or user) is adding the lines, your code always knows where they lie. Their end coordinates would be:

line1: {(0,y1):(picture.width,y1)} line2: {(0,y2):(picture.width,y2)} distance: |y2-y1|

Since they're both horizontal they ofcourse never cross.

You should just keep a reference to y1 and y2 (from the line-placing code) in an appropriate space. Since your question is for Android and iOS the answer is: in that part of code that would correspond to model in MVC.


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