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来自php的.Net Web Service调用(.Net Web Service call from php)

如何在php中调用.Net Web服务。 php 4/5有什么有用的库吗?

How can I call a .Net Web Service from within php. Are there any useful libraries for php 4/5 ?

更新时间:2021-03-11 07:03


请注意,Python的inin Fileinput的工作原理是将文件复制到备份文件,然后将输出重定向到原始文件。 所以它与你当前的方法没有什么不同,只是它使用临时文件而不是将其加载到内存中。 将其加载到内存中可能没问题,除非文件非常大。


Note that Python's inplace Fileinput works by copying the file to backup file and then redirecting the output to the original file. So it's not all that different from your current approach except that it uses a temporary file instead of loading it in memory. Loading it in memory could be ok, unless the file is very large.

If the file is large, I suggest copying it to a temporary directory and then use the functions from the bufio package to read it line by line, modify what's needed and write the result to a new file with the same name as the original.


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