首页 \ 问答 \ 使用PHP进行了非常大的上传(Very large uploads with PHP)

使用PHP进行了非常大的上传(Very large uploads with PHP)

我想允许将非常大的文件上传到我们的PHP应用程序(百个兆字节 - 8个演出)。 但是有一些问题。


  • HTML上传有令人沮丧的反馈意见,我们需要对进度进行轮询(这有点愚蠢),或者根本没有显示任何反馈
  • Flash上​​传者在开始上载之前将整个文件放入内存中


  • PHP强制我们设置post_max_size,这可能导致易受攻击的DOS攻击。 我不想在全局设置这个设置。
  • 服务器还需要在POST vars中存在一些其他变量,例如秘密密钥。 我们希望能够立即拒绝该请求,而不是在整个文件上传之后。


  • HTTP是必须的。
  • 只要客户端技术在浏览器中工作,我就很灵活。
  • PHP不是一个要求,如果有一些其他的技术可以在一个linux环境中运行良好,那是非常好的。

I want to allow uploads of very large files into our PHP application (hundred of megs - 8 gigs). There are a couple of problems with this however.


  • HTML uploads have crappy feedback, we need to either poll for progress (which is a bit silly) or show no feedback at all
  • Flash uploader puts entire file into memory before starting the upload


  • PHP forces us to set post_max_size, which could result in an easily exploitable DOS attack. I'd like to not set this setting globally.
  • The server also requires some other variables to be there in the POST vars, such as an secret key. We'd like to be able to refuse the request right away, instead of after the entire file is uploaded.


  • HTTP is a must.
  • I'm flexible with client-side technology, as long as it works in a browser.
  • PHP is not a requirement, if there's some other technology that will work well on a linux environment, that's perfectly cool.

更新时间:2022-03-22 22:03



    Disable text selection by Chris Barr, of chris-barr.com
$.fn.disableTextSelect = function() {
    return this.each(function(){
        }else if($.browser.msie){//IE
            $(this).bind('selectstart',function(){return false;});
        }else{//Opera, etc.
            $(this).mousedown(function(){return false;});


$(function(){ $('input[type=image]').disableTextSelect(); });


It turended out I need this:

    Disable text selection by Chris Barr, of chris-barr.com
$.fn.disableTextSelect = function() {
    return this.each(function(){
        }else if($.browser.msie){//IE
            $(this).bind('selectstart',function(){return false;});
        }else{//Opera, etc.
            $(this).mousedown(function(){return false;});

And then I could disable text selection on my button elements like this:

$(function(){ $('input[type=image]').disableTextSelect(); });

And now I can click buttons fast as hell and all works fine :-).


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