首页 \ 问答 \ 用PHP解析json(parse json with php)

用PHP解析json(parse json with php)

我是一个php newb,并且在理解如何解析json api返回时遇到一些问题。 这是json的片段:

  "results": [
     "list_name": "",
     "display_name": "",
     "updated": "",
     "bestsellers_date": "",
     "published_date": "",
     "isbns": [
       "isbn10": "",
       "isbn13": ""
       "isbn10": "",
       "isbn13": ""
    "book_details": [
      "title": "Book author",
      "description": "Book description"",
      "contributor": "",
      "author": "Book author",
      "contributor_note": "",
      "price": ,
      "age_group": "",
      "publisher": "",
      "primary_isbn13": "1010101010",
      "primary_isbn10": "1010101010101"
    "reviews": [
       "book_review_link": "",
       "first_chapter_link": "",
       "sunday_review_link": "",
       "article_chapter_link": ""

这是我到目前为止的PHP ...


$json=file_get_contents('the url for the api return');

// create array

foreach($json_a[results] as $r)
echo '

List: '.$r[list_name].'
<br />
Title: '.$r[title].'
Description: '.$r[description].'
<br />
<br />


我从api返回,它为'list_name'提供了正确的值,但'title'和'description'仍未填充; 所以,我知道我没有正确访问这些子键(?)。 获取这些元素的正确语法是什么?

真的很感谢你们所提供的任何指导。 提前致谢。

I'm a php newb and having some problems understanding how to parse a json api return. Here is a snippet of the json:

  "results": [
     "list_name": "",
     "display_name": "",
     "updated": "",
     "bestsellers_date": "",
     "published_date": "",
     "isbns": [
       "isbn10": "",
       "isbn13": ""
       "isbn10": "",
       "isbn13": ""
    "book_details": [
      "title": "Book author",
      "description": "Book description"",
      "contributor": "",
      "author": "Book author",
      "contributor_note": "",
      "price": ,
      "age_group": "",
      "publisher": "",
      "primary_isbn13": "1010101010",
      "primary_isbn10": "1010101010101"
    "reviews": [
       "book_review_link": "",
       "first_chapter_link": "",
       "sunday_review_link": "",
       "article_chapter_link": ""

And here's the php I have so far...


$json=file_get_contents('the url for the api return');

// create array

foreach($json_a[results] as $r)
echo '

List: '.$r[list_name].'
<br />
Title: '.$r[title].'
Description: '.$r[description].'
<br />
<br />


I'm getting a return from the api and it's providing the correct value for 'list_name', but 'title' and 'description' remain unpopulated; so, I know I'm not accessing those subkeys(?) correctly. What is the correct syntax for getting at those elements?

Really appreciate any guidance y'all can provide on this. Thanks in advance.

更新时间:2022-07-05 19:07


不知道我是否正确理解问题,而不是确认只有一个复选框可选中的复选框列表,使用带Radiobuttons的RadioGroup。 您可以将多个RadioButton添加到RadioGroup中,然后只能选择一个RadioButton。

Not sure if I understand the question correctly but instead of a list of checkboxes where only one checkbox is checkable use a RadioGroup with Radiobuttons. You can have multiple RadioButtons which you add to a RadioGroup and then only one RadioButton can be selected.


  • 您的表格首次打开时,您唯一选中选择哪一个,用户没有机会选择一个,您需要创建一个选择更改事件 顺便说一句, else if在两行上可能创建一个嵌套的if语句而不是else if else 。 你可以做到这一点的一种方法是, public Airplane_Simulation() { InitializeComponent(); CheckedChanged(); rbZero.CheckedChanged += (s,e) => { Check ...
  • 事实证明这是一个简单的解决方案。 以下是上述问题的XAML部分已更改: