首页 \ 问答 \ 如何使用PHP插入查询将当前时间戳插入到MySQL数据库中(How to insert the current timestamp into MySQL database using a PHP insert query)

如何使用PHP插入查询将当前时间戳插入到MySQL数据库中(How to insert the current timestamp into MySQL database using a PHP insert query)


username - varchar
insert_time - timestamp

这个表是使用phpMyAdmin工具在MySQL中创建的,对于insert_time列,我已经将默认值提到了0000-00-00 00:00:00



$update_query = 'UPDATE db.tablename SET insert_time=now() '.
                'WHERE username='.$somename;



In my MySQL database, I have a table with structure

username - varchar
insert_time - timestamp

This table was created in MySQL using the phpMyAdmin tool and for the insert_time column, I have mentioned default value as 0000-00-00 00:00:00.

Now the problem is, I have to update this default value with the current timestamp later on, using a PHP script.

I tried doing the following PHP code:

$update_query = 'UPDATE db.tablename SET insert_time=now() '.
                'WHERE username='.$somename;

When the PHP script is run, it fails, and is unable to insert anything into the database.

What am I doing wrong?

更新时间:2022-03-14 16:03



Public Class imgurAPI
    ' combination of this API and imgUR server responses
    Public Enum imgUrResults
        OK = 200                        ' AKA Status200 

        ' errors WE return
        OtherAPIError = -1              ' so far, just missing ImgLink
        InvalidToken = -2
        InvalidPIN = -3                 ' pins expire
        InvalidRequest = -4
        TokenParseError = -5

        ' results we get from server
        BadRequestFormat = 400          ' Status400   
        AuthorizationError = 401        ' Status401  

        Forbidden = 403                 ' Status403   
        NotFound = 404                  ' Status404   ' bad URL Endpoint
        RateLimitError = 429            ' Status429   ' RateLimit Error
        ServerError = 500               ' Status500   ' internal server error

        UknownStatus = 700              ' We havent accounted for it (yet), 
                                        '   may be trivial or new
    End Enum

    ' container for the cool stuff they send us
    Friend Class Token
        Public Property AcctUserName As String
        Public Property AccessToken As String
        Public Property RefreshToken As String
        Public Property Expiry As DateTime

        Public Sub New()
            AcctUserName = ""
            AccessToken = ""
            RefreshToken = ""
            Expiry = DateTime.MinValue
        End Sub

        Friend Function IsExpired() As Boolean

            If (Expiry > DateTime.Now) Then
                Return False
                ' if expired reset everything so some moron doesnt
                ' expose AccessToken and test for ""
                AcctUserName = ""
                AccessToken = ""
                RefreshToken = ""
                Expiry = DateTime.MinValue
                Return True
            End If
        End Function

    End Class

    ' NO simple ctor!!!
    ' constructor initialized with ClientID and SecretID
    Public Sub New(clID As String, secret As String)
        clientID = clID
        clientSecret = secret
        myPin = ""
        imgToken = New Token
        LastImageLink = ""
        UseClipboard = True
        AnonOnly = False
    End Sub

    ' constructor initialized with ClientID and SecretID
    Public Sub New(clID As String)
        clientID = clID
        clientSecret = ""
        myPin = ""
        imgToken = New Token
        LastImageLink = ""
        UseClipboard = True
        AnonOnly = True
    End Sub

    Private clientID As String
    Private clientSecret As String

    Private AnonOnly As Boolean = True

    ' tokens are not public
    Private imgToken As Token

    Public Property LastImageLink As String

    Public Property UseClipboard As Boolean

    ' precise moment when it expires for use in code
    Public ReadOnly Property TokenExpiry As DateTime
            If imgToken IsNot Nothing Then
                Return imgToken.Expiry
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function GetExpiryCountdown() As String
        Return String.Format("{0:hh\:mm\:ss}", GetExpiryTimeRemaining)
    End Function

    ' time left as a TimeSpan
    Public Function GetExpiryTimeRemaining() As TimeSpan
        Dim ts As New TimeSpan(0)

        If imgToken Is Nothing Then
            Return ts
        End If

        If DateTime.Now > imgToken.Expiry Then
            Return ts
            ts = imgToken.Expiry - DateTime.Now
            Return ts
        End If

    End Function

    Public Function IsTokenValid() As Boolean

        If imgToken Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(imgToken.AcctUserName) Then
            Return False
        End If

        If imgToken.IsExpired Then
            Return False
        End If

        Return True

    End Function

    ' Currently, the PIN is set from a calling App.  Might be possible
    ' to feed the log in to imgUr to get a PIN
    Private myPin As String
    Public WriteOnly Property Pin As String
        Set(value As String)
            myPin = value
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Navigates to the web page.
    ' see wb_DocumentCompleted for code to 
    ' parse the PIN from the document
    Public Sub RequestPinBrowser(BrowserCtl As WebBrowser)

        If AnonOnly Then
            ' you do not need a PIN for Anon
            Throw New ApplicationException("A PIN is not needed for ANON Uploads")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If BrowserCtl Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Missing a valid WebBrowser reference")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' imgur API format
        ' https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=REQUESTED_RESPONSE_TYPE&state=APPLICATION_STATE

        Dim OAuthUrlTemplate = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={0}&response_type={1}&state={2}"
        Dim ReqURL As String = String.Format(OAuthUrlTemplate, clientID, "pin", "ziggy")

        BrowserCtl.Url = New Uri(ReqURL)
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAccessToken() As imgUrResults
        ' there are different types of token requests
        ' which vary only by the data submitted

        Dim sReq As String = String.Format("client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&grant_type=pin&pin={2}",
                                            clientID, clientSecret, myPin)
        If myPin = String.Empty Then
            Return imgUrResults.InvalidPIN
        End If

        If AnonOnly Then Return imgUrResults.InvalidRequest

        ' call generic token processor
        Return RequestToken(sReq)

    End Function

    ' request a Token 
    Private Function RequestToken(sRequest As String) As imgUrResults
        Dim url As String = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/token/"

        Dim myResult As imgUrResults = imgUrResults.OK

        ' create request for the URL, using POST method
        Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
        request.Method = "POST"

        ' convert the request, set content format, length
        Dim data As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sRequest)
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        request.ContentLength = data.Length

        ' write the date to request stream
        Dim dstream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream
        dstream.Write(data, 0, data.Length)

        ' json used on the response and potential WebException
        Dim json As New JavaScriptSerializer()

        ' prepare for a response
        Dim response As WebResponse = Nothing
        Dim SvrResponses As Dictionary(Of String, Object)

            response = request.GetResponse
            ' convert status code to programmatic result
            myResult = GetResultFromStatus(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusCode)

        Catch ex As WebException
            ' a bad/used pin will throw an exception
            Dim resp As String = New StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()

            SvrResponses = CType(json.DeserializeObject(resp.ToString), 
                                    Dictionary(Of String, Object))
            myResult = GetResultFromStatus(Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("status")))

        End Try

        'Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
        'Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusCode)

        ' premature evacuation
        If myResult <> imgUrResults.OK Then
            If dstream IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
            If response IsNot Nothing Then
            End If

            Return myResult
        End If

        ' read the response stream
        dstream = response.GetResponseStream
        Dim SvrResponseStr As String
        Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(dstream)
            ' stream to string
            SvrResponseStr = sr.ReadToEnd
        End Using

        ' close streams

            ' use json serialier to parse the result(s)
            ' convert SvrRsponse to Dictionary
            SvrResponses = CType(json.DeserializeObject(SvrResponseStr), 
                                    Dictionary(Of String, Object))

            ' get stuff from Dictionary
            imgToken.AccessToken = Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("access_token"))
            imgToken.RefreshToken = Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("refresh_token"))
            imgToken.AcctUserName = Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("account_username"))

            ' convert expires_in to a point in time
            Dim nExp As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("expires_in")))
            imgToken.Expiry = Date.Now.Add(New TimeSpan(0, 0, nExp))

            ' Pins are single use
            ' throw it away since it is no longer valid 
            myPin = ""

        Catch ex As Exception
            myResult = imgUrResults.TokenParseError
        End Try

        Return myResult

    End Function

    ' public interface to check params before trying to upload
    Public Function UploadImage(filename As String, Optional Anon As Boolean = False) As imgUrResults

        If AnonOnly Then
            Return DoImageUpLoad(filename, AnonOnly)
            If IsTokenValid() = False Then
                Return imgUrResults.InvalidToken
            End If
        End If

        ' should be the job of the calling app to test for FileExist
        Return DoImageUpLoad(filename, Anon)

    End Function

    ' actual file uploader
    Private Function DoImageUpLoad(fileName As String, Optional Anon As Boolean = False) As imgUrResults
        Dim result As imgUrResults = imgUrResults.OK
        LastImageLink = ""

            ' create a WebClient 
            Using wc = New Net.WebClient()
                ' read image
                Dim values = New NameValueCollection() From
                            {"image", Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(fileName))}
                ' type of headers depends on whether this is an ANON or ACCOUNT upload
                If Anon Then
                    wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + clientID)
                    wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " & imgToken.AccessToken)
                End If

                ' upload, get response
                Dim response = wc.UploadValues("https://api.imgur.com/3/upload.xml", values)

                ' read response converting byte array to stream
                Using sr As New StreamReader(New MemoryStream(response))
                    Dim uplStatus As String
                    Dim SvrResponse As String = sr.ReadToEnd

                    Dim xdoc As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(SvrResponse)
                    ' get the status of the request
                    uplStatus = xdoc.Root.Attribute("status").Value
                    result = GetResultFromStatus(uplStatus)

                    If result = imgUrResults.OK Then
                        LastImageLink = xdoc.Descendants("link").Value

                        ' only overwrite the server result status
                        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastImageLink) Then
                            ' avoid NRE elsewhere
                            LastImageLink = ""
                            ' we did something wrong parsing the result
                            ' but this one is kind of minor
                            result = imgUrResults.OtherAPIError
                        End If
                    End If

                End Using

                If UseClipboard AndAlso (result = imgUrResults.OK) Then
                End If

            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            Dim errMsg As String = ex.Message

            ' rate limit
            If ex.Message.Contains("429") Then
                result = imgUrResults.RateLimitError

                ' internal error
            ElseIf ex.Message.Contains("500") Then
                result = imgUrResults.ServerError

            End If
        End Try

        Return result
    End Function

    Private Function GetResultFromStatus(status As String) As imgUrResults

        Select Case status.Trim
            Case "200"
                Return imgUrResults.OK
            Case "400"
                Return imgUrResults.BadRequestFormat
            Case "401"
                Return imgUrResults.AuthorizationError
            Case "403"
                Return imgUrResults.Forbidden
            Case "404"
                Return imgUrResults.NotFound
            Case "429"
                Return imgUrResults.RateLimitError
            Case "500"
                Return imgUrResults.ServerError
            Case Else
                ' Stop - work out other returns
                Return imgUrResults.UknownStatus
        End Select
    End Function

    Private Function GetResultFromStatus(status As Int32) As imgUrResults
        ' some places we get a string, others an integer
        Return GetResultFromStatus(status.ToString)
    End Function

End Class


该过程需要Web浏览器以供用户导航和请求PIN。 对于测试/开发,我使用了一个WebBrowser控件并从返回的页面中获取了PIN。

注意:为了进行测试,我的imgUR帐户设置为DESKTOP,因为我们是从DESKTOP应用程序发送的。 此外,这是您将图像发送到您的帐户。 其他人无法在不泄露您的密码和/或在应用程序中嵌入您的主ImgUR登录名和密码的情况下上传到您的帐户。 这就是ImgUR设计它的方式。


Friend imgUR As imgurAPI
imgUR = New imgurAPI(<your Client ID>,<your secret code>)

B.获得一个Pin - 方法一

' pass the app's WebBrowser Control

这会将您带到一个imgur页面,您必须在其中授权发布PIN才能上传到您的帐户。 输入您的帐户名,密码,单击“允许”。 将显示带有PIN的新页面。 将PIN从网页复制到其他控件,该控件可将其提供给imgurAPI类。



  • 使用您自己的外部浏览器,转到

https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize? client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=pin&state=ziggy

  • 登录
  • 将您收到的PIN复制到TextBox或其他内容以将其发送到imgurAPI:
  • 设置图钉: imgUR.Pin = <<PIN YOU RECEIVED>>

无论哪种方式都是相同的,只需要在表单中包含WebBrowser控件即可。 PIN只能在短时间内使用,因此您必须立即使用它来获取访问令牌。


' imgUrResults is an enum exposed by the class
Dim result As imgurAPI.imgUrResults = imgUR.RequestToken


  • imgUR类将保留令牌
  • 令牌目前在1小时(3600秒)到期

使用imgUR.UploadImage(filename, boolAnon)上传imgUR.UploadImage(filename, boolAnon)

文件名 - 要上载的文件

boolAnon - 布尔标志。 False =将此文件上传到您的帐户,而不是Anon常规池方法。


' get token
Dim result As imgurAPI.imgUrResults = imgUR.RequestToken

' check result
If result = imgurAPI.imgUrResults.OK Then
    ' assumes the file exists
    imgUR.UploadImage("C:\Temp\London.jpg", False)
    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error getting access token. Status:{0}",
End If

文件上载后,该过程将在响应中查找链接。 如果可以解析链接,它将从LastImageLink属性中获得并粘贴到ClipBoard。


LastImageLink (String) - 上传的最后一张图片的URL

UseClipBoard (Bool) - 当为true时,imgurAPI类将上传图像的链接发布到剪贴板

TokenExpiry (Date) - 当前令牌到期的DateTime

GetTokenTimeRemaining ()As TimeSpan - 表示当前令牌到期前多长时间的TimeSpan

Public Function GetTokenCountdown() As String - TimeRemaining的格式化字符串

Public WriteOnly Property Pin As String - 获取访问令牌所需的PIN

Public Function IsTokenValid() As Boolean - 当前标记有效

Public Function IsTokenExpired ()As Boolean - TimeRemaining与DateTime.Now的简单布尔版本


  • 令牌可以续订或扩展。 但由于它们持续了一个小时,这似乎很多。
  • PIN码只在很短的时间内有用。 一旦PIN被交换为令牌,imgurAPI(此类)将清除PIN。 如果获取令牌时出现问题,则必须先获取新的PIN(如果几分钟前刚刚获得,则粘贴最后一个)。
  • 除非/直到您更改帐户设置,否则整个世界都无法看到上传的图片。
  • 您可以重置您的SecretID(设置 - >应用程序)。 如果这样做,您还需要为使​​用此API类的应用重置它,并重新编译(或从配置文件中读取)。


' wb is the control
Dim htmlDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument = wb.Document
Dim elP As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement = htmlDoc.GetElementById("pin")

If elP IsNot Nothing Then
    sPin = elP.GetAttribute("value")
    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sPin) = False Then
       ' user has to push the button for `imgUR.Pin = tbPIN.Text`
       ' this is in case the HTML changes, the user can override
       ' and input the correct PIN
       Me.tbPIN.Text = sPin
    End If

End If


这是非官方的 - 从阅读文档和使用API​​学到的信息。 适用于此日期的imgur API v3。

获取PIN码没有任何自动化。 无论如何,您必须导航到浏览器中的URL并输入您的帐户名和密码才能获得PIN。 这是设计使您,您自己,个人正在授权一些外部应用程序访问您的帐户内容。

上面的方法一使用.NET WebBrowser控件来执行此操作。 使用此方法,我们可以确保您和imgur类都使用相同的Endpoint / URL,因为它通过浏览器控件将您发送到那里。

方法二只是你在某个浏览器,任何浏览器去那里。 登录,获取PIN,然后将其粘贴到imgurAPI类。

无论方法如何,要使用的正确端点/ URL是:


使用imgurAPI类在表单上使用浏览器,显然我们可以确定您和类都使用相同的URL和ClientID。 DocumentComplete的代码只需将PIN提取到TextBox中,您仍然需要在类中设置它:

myimgUR.PIN = tbPinCode.Text


所以特别是在开发时,你停止代码,添加一些东西然后自然重新运行,代码将不再有旧的令牌或PIN。 如果最后一个PIN是最近的并且提交,您可能不需要获得新的PIN,但我发现很难记住是否是这种情况。

该课程将PINS视为一次性使用。 收到令牌后,它会清除变量,因为它们已被使用且不再有效。


  • 添加了仅限Anon模式

要使用该类仅以匿名模式(一般网站,而不是您的帐户)上传,不需要SecretID。 为此,使用新的构造函数重载:

Public Sub New(clientID As String)

这会将类设置为仅使用Anon,并且在使用基于帐户的方法(如GetToken时,某些方法将返回错误或引发异常。 如果仅使用ClientID初始化它,它将保持AnonOnly模式,直到您使用ClientID和SecretID重新创建对象。


Function UploadImage(filename As String, 
                     Optional Anon As Boolean = False) As imgUrResults
  • 修改/澄清了imgUrResults Enum


  • 删除了IsTokenExpired

IsTokenValid更彻底。 还有其他方法可以获得剩余时间或实际到期时间。

  • 添加了各种错误捕获/处理
    • 请求PIN时检查有效的WebBrowser控件
    • 改进了上传图像后用于获取服务器状态码的方法
    • 重新设计了一些处理,以便在类返回时优先考虑远程服务器状态

This is long, because it is more or less a compleat API:

Public Class imgurAPI
    ' combination of this API and imgUR server responses
    Public Enum imgUrResults
        OK = 200                        ' AKA Status200 

        ' errors WE return
        OtherAPIError = -1              ' so far, just missing ImgLink
        InvalidToken = -2
        InvalidPIN = -3                 ' pins expire
        InvalidRequest = -4
        TokenParseError = -5

        ' results we get from server
        BadRequestFormat = 400          ' Status400   
        AuthorizationError = 401        ' Status401  

        Forbidden = 403                 ' Status403   
        NotFound = 404                  ' Status404   ' bad URL Endpoint
        RateLimitError = 429            ' Status429   ' RateLimit Error
        ServerError = 500               ' Status500   ' internal server error

        UknownStatus = 700              ' We havent accounted for it (yet), 
                                        '   may be trivial or new
    End Enum

    ' container for the cool stuff they send us
    Friend Class Token
        Public Property AcctUserName As String
        Public Property AccessToken As String
        Public Property RefreshToken As String
        Public Property Expiry As DateTime

        Public Sub New()
            AcctUserName = ""
            AccessToken = ""
            RefreshToken = ""
            Expiry = DateTime.MinValue
        End Sub

        Friend Function IsExpired() As Boolean

            If (Expiry > DateTime.Now) Then
                Return False
                ' if expired reset everything so some moron doesnt
                ' expose AccessToken and test for ""
                AcctUserName = ""
                AccessToken = ""
                RefreshToken = ""
                Expiry = DateTime.MinValue
                Return True
            End If
        End Function

    End Class

    ' NO simple ctor!!!
    ' constructor initialized with ClientID and SecretID
    Public Sub New(clID As String, secret As String)
        clientID = clID
        clientSecret = secret
        myPin = ""
        imgToken = New Token
        LastImageLink = ""
        UseClipboard = True
        AnonOnly = False
    End Sub

    ' constructor initialized with ClientID and SecretID
    Public Sub New(clID As String)
        clientID = clID
        clientSecret = ""
        myPin = ""
        imgToken = New Token
        LastImageLink = ""
        UseClipboard = True
        AnonOnly = True
    End Sub

    Private clientID As String
    Private clientSecret As String

    Private AnonOnly As Boolean = True

    ' tokens are not public
    Private imgToken As Token

    Public Property LastImageLink As String

    Public Property UseClipboard As Boolean

    ' precise moment when it expires for use in code
    Public ReadOnly Property TokenExpiry As DateTime
            If imgToken IsNot Nothing Then
                Return imgToken.Expiry
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function GetExpiryCountdown() As String
        Return String.Format("{0:hh\:mm\:ss}", GetExpiryTimeRemaining)
    End Function

    ' time left as a TimeSpan
    Public Function GetExpiryTimeRemaining() As TimeSpan
        Dim ts As New TimeSpan(0)

        If imgToken Is Nothing Then
            Return ts
        End If

        If DateTime.Now > imgToken.Expiry Then
            Return ts
            ts = imgToken.Expiry - DateTime.Now
            Return ts
        End If

    End Function

    Public Function IsTokenValid() As Boolean

        If imgToken Is Nothing Then
            Return False
        End If

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(imgToken.AcctUserName) Then
            Return False
        End If

        If imgToken.IsExpired Then
            Return False
        End If

        Return True

    End Function

    ' Currently, the PIN is set from a calling App.  Might be possible
    ' to feed the log in to imgUr to get a PIN
    Private myPin As String
    Public WriteOnly Property Pin As String
        Set(value As String)
            myPin = value
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Navigates to the web page.
    ' see wb_DocumentCompleted for code to 
    ' parse the PIN from the document
    Public Sub RequestPinBrowser(BrowserCtl As WebBrowser)

        If AnonOnly Then
            ' you do not need a PIN for Anon
            Throw New ApplicationException("A PIN is not needed for ANON Uploads")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If BrowserCtl Is Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("Missing a valid WebBrowser reference")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' imgur API format
        ' https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=REQUESTED_RESPONSE_TYPE&state=APPLICATION_STATE

        Dim OAuthUrlTemplate = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={0}&response_type={1}&state={2}"
        Dim ReqURL As String = String.Format(OAuthUrlTemplate, clientID, "pin", "ziggy")

        BrowserCtl.Url = New Uri(ReqURL)
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAccessToken() As imgUrResults
        ' there are different types of token requests
        ' which vary only by the data submitted

        Dim sReq As String = String.Format("client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&grant_type=pin&pin={2}",
                                            clientID, clientSecret, myPin)
        If myPin = String.Empty Then
            Return imgUrResults.InvalidPIN
        End If

        If AnonOnly Then Return imgUrResults.InvalidRequest

        ' call generic token processor
        Return RequestToken(sReq)

    End Function

    ' request a Token 
    Private Function RequestToken(sRequest As String) As imgUrResults
        Dim url As String = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/token/"

        Dim myResult As imgUrResults = imgUrResults.OK

        ' create request for the URL, using POST method
        Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
        request.Method = "POST"

        ' convert the request, set content format, length
        Dim data As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sRequest)
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        request.ContentLength = data.Length

        ' write the date to request stream
        Dim dstream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream
        dstream.Write(data, 0, data.Length)

        ' json used on the response and potential WebException
        Dim json As New JavaScriptSerializer()

        ' prepare for a response
        Dim response As WebResponse = Nothing
        Dim SvrResponses As Dictionary(Of String, Object)

            response = request.GetResponse
            ' convert status code to programmatic result
            myResult = GetResultFromStatus(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusCode)

        Catch ex As WebException
            ' a bad/used pin will throw an exception
            Dim resp As String = New StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()

            SvrResponses = CType(json.DeserializeObject(resp.ToString), 
                                    Dictionary(Of String, Object))
            myResult = GetResultFromStatus(Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("status")))

        End Try

        'Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
        'Console.WriteLine(CType(response, HttpWebResponse).StatusCode)

        ' premature evacuation
        If myResult <> imgUrResults.OK Then
            If dstream IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
            If response IsNot Nothing Then
            End If

            Return myResult
        End If

        ' read the response stream
        dstream = response.GetResponseStream
        Dim SvrResponseStr As String
        Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(dstream)
            ' stream to string
            SvrResponseStr = sr.ReadToEnd
        End Using

        ' close streams

            ' use json serialier to parse the result(s)
            ' convert SvrRsponse to Dictionary
            SvrResponses = CType(json.DeserializeObject(SvrResponseStr), 
                                    Dictionary(Of String, Object))

            ' get stuff from Dictionary
            imgToken.AccessToken = Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("access_token"))
            imgToken.RefreshToken = Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("refresh_token"))
            imgToken.AcctUserName = Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("account_username"))

            ' convert expires_in to a point in time
            Dim nExp As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(SvrResponses("expires_in")))
            imgToken.Expiry = Date.Now.Add(New TimeSpan(0, 0, nExp))

            ' Pins are single use
            ' throw it away since it is no longer valid 
            myPin = ""

        Catch ex As Exception
            myResult = imgUrResults.TokenParseError
        End Try

        Return myResult

    End Function

    ' public interface to check params before trying to upload
    Public Function UploadImage(filename As String, Optional Anon As Boolean = False) As imgUrResults

        If AnonOnly Then
            Return DoImageUpLoad(filename, AnonOnly)
            If IsTokenValid() = False Then
                Return imgUrResults.InvalidToken
            End If
        End If

        ' should be the job of the calling app to test for FileExist
        Return DoImageUpLoad(filename, Anon)

    End Function

    ' actual file uploader
    Private Function DoImageUpLoad(fileName As String, Optional Anon As Boolean = False) As imgUrResults
        Dim result As imgUrResults = imgUrResults.OK
        LastImageLink = ""

            ' create a WebClient 
            Using wc = New Net.WebClient()
                ' read image
                Dim values = New NameValueCollection() From
                            {"image", Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(fileName))}
                ' type of headers depends on whether this is an ANON or ACCOUNT upload
                If Anon Then
                    wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + clientID)
                    wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " & imgToken.AccessToken)
                End If

                ' upload, get response
                Dim response = wc.UploadValues("https://api.imgur.com/3/upload.xml", values)

                ' read response converting byte array to stream
                Using sr As New StreamReader(New MemoryStream(response))
                    Dim uplStatus As String
                    Dim SvrResponse As String = sr.ReadToEnd

                    Dim xdoc As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(SvrResponse)
                    ' get the status of the request
                    uplStatus = xdoc.Root.Attribute("status").Value
                    result = GetResultFromStatus(uplStatus)

                    If result = imgUrResults.OK Then
                        LastImageLink = xdoc.Descendants("link").Value

                        ' only overwrite the server result status
                        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastImageLink) Then
                            ' avoid NRE elsewhere
                            LastImageLink = ""
                            ' we did something wrong parsing the result
                            ' but this one is kind of minor
                            result = imgUrResults.OtherAPIError
                        End If
                    End If

                End Using

                If UseClipboard AndAlso (result = imgUrResults.OK) Then
                End If

            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            Dim errMsg As String = ex.Message

            ' rate limit
            If ex.Message.Contains("429") Then
                result = imgUrResults.RateLimitError

                ' internal error
            ElseIf ex.Message.Contains("500") Then
                result = imgUrResults.ServerError

            End If
        End Try

        Return result
    End Function

    Private Function GetResultFromStatus(status As String) As imgUrResults

        Select Case status.Trim
            Case "200"
                Return imgUrResults.OK
            Case "400"
                Return imgUrResults.BadRequestFormat
            Case "401"
                Return imgUrResults.AuthorizationError
            Case "403"
                Return imgUrResults.Forbidden
            Case "404"
                Return imgUrResults.NotFound
            Case "429"
                Return imgUrResults.RateLimitError
            Case "500"
                Return imgUrResults.ServerError
            Case Else
                ' Stop - work out other returns
                Return imgUrResults.UknownStatus
        End Select
    End Function

    Private Function GetResultFromStatus(status As Int32) As imgUrResults
        ' some places we get a string, others an integer
        Return GetResultFromStatus(status.ToString)
    End Function

End Class


The process requires a web browser for the user to navigate and request a PIN. For testing/development, I used a WebBrowser control and snagged the PIN from the returned page.

Note: for testing, my imgUR account was setup as DESKTOP, since we are sending from a DESKTOP app. Also, this is for YOU sending images to YOUR account. There is not a way for OTHERS to upload to YOUR account without giving out your secret ID and/or embedding your master ImgUR Login and password in the App. That is how ImgUR designed it.

A. Create an imgUR object:

Friend imgUR As imgurAPI
imgUR = New imgurAPI(<your Client ID>,<your secret code>)

B. Get a Pin - Method One

' pass the app's WebBrowser Control

This will take you to a imgur page where you must authorize the issue of a PIN for uploading to your account. Enter your Account Name, Password, Click ALLOW. A new page with the PIN will be displayed. Copy the PIN from the webpage to some other control which can feed it to the imgurAPI Class.

There is code below to parse the PIN page and get it into another control.

Method Two

  • Using your own external browser, go to

https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize? client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=pin&state=ziggy

  • Log In
  • Copy the PIN you receive into a TextBox or something to send it to the imgurAPI:
  • Set pin: imgUR.Pin = <<PIN YOU RECEIVED>>

The process is the same either way, just a matter of whether you want to have to include a WebBrowser control in your form. PINs are only good for a short time, so you must use it to get an access token right away.

C. Get Access token

' imgUrResults is an enum exposed by the class
Dim result As imgurAPI.imgUrResults = imgUR.RequestToken


  • the imgUR class will retain the token
  • tokens currently expire in 1 hour (3600 seconds)

D: Upload a File
Upload using imgUR.UploadImage(filename, boolAnon)

Filename - the file to upload

boolAnon - Boolean flag. False = upload this file to your account vs the Anon general pool method.


' get token
Dim result As imgurAPI.imgUrResults = imgUR.RequestToken

' check result
If result = imgurAPI.imgUrResults.OK Then
    ' assumes the file exists
    imgUR.UploadImage("C:\Temp\London.jpg", False)
    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error getting access token. Status:{0}",
End If

After the file uploads, the procedure looks for the link in the response. If the link can be parsed, it will be available from the LastImageLink property and pasted to the ClipBoard as well.

Misc Properties, Settings and Methods

LastImageLink (String) - URL of the last image uploaded

UseClipBoard (Bool) - When true, imgurAPI class posts the link to the uploaded image to the Clipboard

TokenExpiry (Date) - The DateTime that the current token expires

GetTokenTimeRemaining() As TimeSpan - A TimeSpan representing how long before the current token expires

Public Function GetTokenCountdown() As String - Formatted string of TimeRemaining

Public WriteOnly Property Pin As String - the PIN required to get an access token

Public Function IsTokenValid() As Boolean - is the current token valid

Public Function IsTokenExpired() As Boolean - simple Boolean version of TimeRemaining vs DateTime.Now


  • Tokens can be renewed or extended. But since they last for an hour, this seems plenty.
  • PINS are only good for a short time. Once a PIN is exchanged for a token the imgurAPI (this class) clears the PIN. If there is a problem getting the Token, you will have to get a new PIN first (or paste the last one if you just got it a few minutes ago).
  • Uploaded images are not visible to the world at large unless/until you change the setting on your account.
  • You can reset your SecretID (Settings -> Applications). If you do, you will need to also reset it for apps using this API class, and recompile (or read it from a config file).

If you use a WebBrowser control to get a PIN, you can add this code to the DocumentCompleted event to scrape the PIN from the HTML:

' wb is the control
Dim htmlDoc As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument = wb.Document
Dim elP As System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement = htmlDoc.GetElementById("pin")

If elP IsNot Nothing Then
    sPin = elP.GetAttribute("value")
    If String.IsNullOrEmpty(sPin) = False Then
       ' user has to push the button for `imgUR.Pin = tbPIN.Text`
       ' this is in case the HTML changes, the user can override
       ' and input the correct PIN
       Me.tbPIN.Text = sPin
    End If

End If

About the OAuth Model

this is unofficial - info learned from reading the docs and working with the API. Applies to imgur API v3 as of this date.

There is nothing automated about getting a PIN. One way or another you must navigate to a URL in a browser and enter your account name and Password to get a PIN. This is by design so that you, yourself, personally are authorizing some external app to access your account content.

Method One above uses a .NET WebBrowser control to do this. With this method we can be sure that both you and the imgur class are using the same Endpoint/URL because it sends you there via the browser control.

Method Two is just you go there in some browser, any browser. Log in, get a PIN, and paste it to the imgurAPI class.

No matter the method, the correct Endpoint/URL to use is:


Using a browser on the form using the imgurAPI class, we obviously we can be sure that both you and the class are using the same URL and ClientID. The code for DocumentComplete fetches the PIN into the TextBox only you still need to set it in the class:

myimgUR.PIN = tbPinCode.Text

PINS are single use, and expire.

So when developing especially, and you stop the code, add some stuff then rerun naturally, the code will no longer have the old Token or PIN. If the last PIN was recent and not submitted, you might not have to get a new one, but I find it is hard to remember if that is the case.

The class treats PINS as single use. Once a Token has been received, it clears out the variable since they have been used and are no longer valid.

Final Edit

  • Added an Anon Only mode

To use the class to upload ONLY in Anon mode (to the general site, not your account), the SecretID is not needed. For this, use the new constructor overload:

Public Sub New(clientID As String)

This sets the class to work an Anon ONLY and certain methods will return an error or throe an exception when using Account based methods such as GetToken. If you initialize it with just ClientID, it remains in AnonOnly mode until you recreate the object with the both the ClientID and SecretID.

There is no real reason to use it as AnonOnly (unless you do not have an account) since the UploadImage method allows you to specify it as an Anon upload by file:

Function UploadImage(filename As String, 
                     Optional Anon As Boolean = False) As imgUrResults
  • Revised/clarified the imgUrResults Enum

This is meant to be all-encompassing: some returns indicate a problem detected by the class, others are server responses which are simply passed along.

  • Removed IsTokenExpired

IsTokenValid is more thorough. There are other methods to get the time remaining or the actual Expiry.

  • Added assorted error trapping/handling
    • Check for a valid WebBrowser control when requesting a PIN
    • Refined the method used to get the server status code after an image is uploaded
    • Reworked some handling to give prioritize remote server status over class returns







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