首页 \ 问答 \ 像苹果的报警应用程序一样创建锁定屏幕通知?(Create Lock Screen Notification Like Apple's Alarm App?)

像苹果的报警应用程序一样创建锁定屏幕通知?(Create Lock Screen Notification Like Apple's Alarm App?)

目前,当我的应用程序处于锁定屏幕时,我只是弹出一个基本的UILocalNotification弹出窗口,用于在按下按钮等时打开应用程序。 然而,我真的想更好看,我想知道苹果的闹钟应用程序如何在锁定屏幕上显示它自己的独特通知? 这是否也涉及操纵通知? 请,任何帮助将不胜感激...我一直在寻找几个星期:( 报警应用程序锁屏示例

currently when my application is on lock screen, I just have a basic UILocalNotification pop up that opens the app when pressed and so on. However, I'd really like to make that better looking and I was wondering how Apple's Alarm Application has it's own unique notification on the lock screen? Does this also deal with manipulating notifications? Please, any help would be greatly appreciated...I've been searching for weeks :( alarm app lock screen example

更新时间:2022-11-25 14:11


默认选择第一个选项卡:您可以将第一个选项卡的div的显示属性设置为块,将所有其他选项卡的显示属性设置为无。( <div id="London" class="w3-container city" style="display:block"> )因此,无论何时页面加载,第一个选项卡的内容将始终可见。您可以相应地更改显示属性,方法是单击已在代码中实现的其他选项卡。



To select the first tab by default : You can set the display property of div of first tab as block and for all other tabs as none.(<div id="London" class="w3-container city" style="display:block">) So whenever the page loads,the contents of the first tab will always be visible.And you can accordingly change the display property on click of other tabs which is already achieved in the code.

Change active tabs text color : On click of a particular add you can add CSS Color to it which has the color rule specified in it using Javascript.

Please let me know in comments if this doesn't help you.


  • 问题的答案已发布在评论中(但现在已被删除)。 现在你可以在IE8中测试它 - 只需使用鼠标中键在新标签中打开链接即可。 Firefox可以更好地使用标签。 The answer to the question was posted in the comments (but is now deleted). Now you can test it in IE8 - just use the middle mouse button to open the link in a new tab. Firefox d ...
  • 你隐藏所有的标签使用CSS,所以你将不得不在第一个选项卡上添加活动类,使其可见。 你的CSS导致这一点。 .tabs > div { display:none;} .tabs > div.active { display:block;} 在第一个选项卡上设置活动类的代码。 $tabs.first().addClass("active"); var $tabs = $('.tabs > div'), _currhash, $currTab; $tabs.first().addClass ...
  • 更新 自从我原来的答案和jQuery 1.9的发布以来,API已经改变了。 首选方法是使用redreinard答案中提到的active选项: $('selector').tabs({ active: index }); 较旧的方法(pre jQuery 1.9) 根据JqueryUI选项卡上的文档 ,您可以通过使用可用的select功能来设置此选项 ,如以下方法所示: // index will be the index of the tab that you wish to select $('sele ...
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