首页 \ 问答 \ if判断怎么用?


if判断怎么用,看到别人写的过程,感觉很对,但自己就是写不出来,网上搜的也看不明白原理。if then end if语句、if then else end if 和if then elsif then end if 求举例详解,可能问题描述的不清楚,可以补充。。。谢谢 急!!
更新时间:2023-09-19 08:09


A wise man once said,' you have to take aim if you want to hit the target!' It is very real to all that if we ever want to achieve something, we must first set the goal. 
Without the goal, there is no fixed direction for us to travel. It serves as a beacon beam that guides us should or when we deviate fro the original path we are suppose to take.
Just imagine an arrow trying to score a hit. Without any visible target, all the skills, preparations, knowledge and training will go to waste. Hence, it is much wiser that we should act like the cliche, find the target first, then planned the shot!
reading not only brodens our horizon but also expand our knowledge in many fields. the choice of words, people and cultures of different era and locations. the ability to express shorten our gap to the rest of the world. Impossible but not unattainable for those whom chose to ungrade themselves through reading. Speeches is more than just eloquence. without the presence of emotions, the speech or presentation is monotonous. with the injection of feelings, the persuasive power increases and it levitates the presentation to a new height. such feelings can only come with understanding. and the understanding is from absorbtion and assimilations of new informations through reading.this is when i realised after a series of thoughts. rejuvenation, reinvention is a must for us to stay in touch with reality and enviroment.


额,这个 还是上论坛问问大神吧,也许有人能帮到你http://bbs.yingyu.com/


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