首页 \ 问答 \ numpy dtype错误 - (结构化数组创建)(numpy dtype error - (structured array creation))

numpy dtype错误 - (结构化数组创建)(numpy dtype error - (structured array creation))


np.dtype(dict(names="10", formats=np.float64))

我一直在努力解决这个问题,因为我recfunctions numpyrecfunctions函数工作,但是由于numpy.dtype问题,我没有成功。 这是我目前收到的错误:

dtype = np.dtype(dict(names=names, formats=formats))
ValueError: all items in the dictionary must have the same length.

我想获得一个数据结构,其中包含一种记录数组,每个指定字段中包含多列数据 - 类似于字典,其中每个值是一个二维数组或几列数据。 通常,数据可能最终为~6列,每个键或记录约2000行,具有约200个记录。


import numpy as np
from numpy.lib import recfunctions

# Just function to make random data
def make_data(i, j):
    # some arbitrary function to show that the number of columns may change, but rows stay the same length
    if i%3==0:
        data = np.array([[i for i in range(0,1150)]*t for t in range(0,3)])
        data = np.array([[i for i in range(0,1150)]*t for t in range(0,6)])
    return data

def data_struct(low_ij, high_ij):

    Data Structure to contain several columns of data for different combined values between "low ij" and "high ij"

    Key: "(i, j)"
    Value: numpy ndarray (multidimensional)

    for i in range(0,low_ij+1):
        for j in range(0,high_ij+1):
            # Get rid of some of the combinations
            # (unimportant)
            if(i<low_ij and j<low_ij):

            # Combinations of interest to create structure
                names = str(i)+str(j)
                formats = np.float64
                data = np.array(make_data(i, j))
                    data_struct = recfunctions.append_fields(base=data_struct, names=names, data=data, dtypes=formats)
                # First loop will assign data_struct using this exception,
                # then proceed to use the try statement to add on the rest of the data
                except UnboundLocalError:
                    dtype = np.dtype(dict(names=names, formats=formats))
                    data_struct = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)

    return data_struct

I am having some trouble understanding why the following does not work:

np.dtype(dict(names="10", formats=np.float64))

I have been struggling with this because I would like to get the recfunctions function in numpy to work, but due to issues with the numpy.dtype, I haven't been successful. This is the error I am receiving at the moment:

dtype = np.dtype(dict(names=names, formats=formats))
ValueError: all items in the dictionary must have the same length.

I want to get a data structure that will contain a type of record array with multiple columns of data within each assigned field - similar to a dictionary where each value is a 2d array or several columns of data. Typically the data may end up being ~6 columns, ~2000 rows for each key or record, with ~200 records.

Here is what I have tried in a complete script: (although still giving the same error)

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib import recfunctions

# Just function to make random data
def make_data(i, j):
    # some arbitrary function to show that the number of columns may change, but rows stay the same length
    if i%3==0:
        data = np.array([[i for i in range(0,1150)]*t for t in range(0,3)])
        data = np.array([[i for i in range(0,1150)]*t for t in range(0,6)])
    return data

def data_struct(low_ij, high_ij):

    Data Structure to contain several columns of data for different combined values between "low ij" and "high ij"

    Key: "(i, j)"
    Value: numpy ndarray (multidimensional)

    for i in range(0,low_ij+1):
        for j in range(0,high_ij+1):
            # Get rid of some of the combinations
            # (unimportant)
            if(i<low_ij and j<low_ij):

            # Combinations of interest to create structure
                names = str(i)+str(j)
                formats = np.float64
                data = np.array(make_data(i, j))
                    data_struct = recfunctions.append_fields(base=data_struct, names=names, data=data, dtypes=formats)
                # First loop will assign data_struct using this exception,
                # then proceed to use the try statement to add on the rest of the data
                except UnboundLocalError:
                    dtype = np.dtype(dict(names=names, formats=formats))
                    data_struct = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)

    return data_struct

更新时间:2022-07-04 20:07


我不熟悉python API,但不应该创建自己的QPickingSettings实例,而应该使用作为QRenderSettings实例(即单例)的属性存在的实例。


否则,您需要创建一个QRenderSettings实例并将其添加为实体的一个组件。 按照惯例,我们倾向于使用场景图的根。

I'm not familiar with the python API, but you should not create your own instance of QPickingSettings but use the one that exists as a property of the instance of QRenderSettings (that is a singleton).

If you're using the Qt3DWindow from Qt3DExtras, it will provide an accessor to the QRenderSettings instance.

Otherwise, you'll need to create an instance of QRenderSettings and add it as a component of an entity. By convention we tend to use the root of the scene graph.


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