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nodejs writeFile返回重复项(nodejs writeFile returning duplicates)

我编写了以下nodejs脚本(sortLabels.js),它适用于labelsFilePath的文件,它包含对象,但它不适用于labelIdsFilePath文件,这是一个字符串数组。 我基本上尝试对两个文件进行排序,然后使用新排序的值覆盖这些文件的内容。 出于某种原因,在labelIds文件中,我得到重复。

let labelsFilePath = './server/mocks/label.json';
let labels = require(labelsFilePath);
let labelIdsFilePath = './client/app/common/config/label-ids.json';
let labelIds = require(labelIdsFilePath);
const _ = require('lodash');
let fs = require('fs');

labels = _.sortBy(labels, "id"); 
labelIds = _.sortBy(labelIds, (num) => num);

fs.writeFile(labelsFilePath, JSON.stringify(labels), function(err){
  if(err) console.log(err); else {
    console.log('labels were sorted');

fs.writeFile(labelIdsFilePath, JSON.stringify(labelIds), function(err){
  if(err) console.log(err);
  else {
    console.log('labels ids were sorted');

在运行脚本( node sortLabels )之前,这就是labelIds的样子:





I have written the following nodejs script (sortLabels.js), and it works fine for the file at labelsFilePath, which containts object, but it doesn't work for the file at labelIdsFilePath which is an array of strings. I am basically trying to sort both files and then overwrite the contents of those files with the newly sorted values. For some reason, in the labelIds file, I get duplicates.

let labelsFilePath = './server/mocks/label.json';
let labels = require(labelsFilePath);
let labelIdsFilePath = './client/app/common/config/label-ids.json';
let labelIds = require(labelIdsFilePath);
const _ = require('lodash');
let fs = require('fs');

labels = _.sortBy(labels, "id"); 
labelIds = _.sortBy(labelIds, (num) => num);

fs.writeFile(labelsFilePath, JSON.stringify(labels), function(err){
  if(err) console.log(err); else {
    console.log('labels were sorted');

fs.writeFile(labelIdsFilePath, JSON.stringify(labelIds), function(err){
  if(err) console.log(err);
  else {
    console.log('labels ids were sorted');

before running the script (node sortLabels), this is what labelIds look like:


and after:


what am I doing wrong/missing?

更新时间:2021-09-16 08:09


我认为你正在点击以下FF错误: https//bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id = 667001

它已在2年前报道,有多个重复,但截至目前还没有修复。 :(

I think you are hitting the following FF bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676001

It's been reported 2 years ago, has multiple duplicates, but as of now have not been fixed yet. :(


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