首页 \ 问答 \ nodejs app的Docker端口转发(Docker port forwarding for nodejs app)

nodejs app的Docker端口转发(Docker port forwarding for nodejs app)

我在为nodejs app配置docker时遇到问题。


运行: docker ps ,我得到以下内容:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
a60f9c82d600        29c7d94a8c58        "/bin/sh -c 'npm s..."   5 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds        3000/tcp            romantic_albattani

你可以看到我没有得到通常的:>3000/tcp0.0.0.0:3000->3000/tcp ,我期待。

docker-compose ps给出:

Name   Command   State   Ports


  build: .
    - .:/app
    - box
    - "3000:3000"

  image: busybox
    - /node_modules


FROM node:8.7.0

# The base node image sets a very verbose log level.

COPY package.json /tmp/
RUN npm install

ADD . /app
RUN cp -a /tmp/node_modules /app/

#ENV PORT=3000
CMD npm start

我正在运行命令: docker-compose up --build




I'm having problems configuring docker for my nodejs app.

I have previously set up containers for both php and rails with port forwarding working flawlessly, but for this instance i can't seem to get it to work.

Running: docker ps, i get the following:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
a60f9c82d600        29c7d94a8c58        "/bin/sh -c 'npm s..."   5 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds        3000/tcp            romantic_albattani

As you can see I'm not getting the usual:>3000/tcp that I am expecting.

docker-compose ps gives:

Name   Command   State   Ports

My docker-compose.yml:

  build: .
    - .:/app
    - box
    - "3000:3000"

  image: busybox
    - /node_modules

My Docker file:

FROM node:8.7.0

# The base node image sets a very verbose log level.

COPY package.json /tmp/
RUN npm install

ADD . /app
RUN cp -a /tmp/node_modules /app/

#ENV PORT=3000
CMD npm start

I'm running the command: docker-compose up --build

Any help at this point is appreciated.

I don't know if a docker inspect would be useful, but if so, tell me and i will also post it.

Edit: Changed my Dockerfile to follow the answer.

更新时间:2022-03-26 12:03


简短的回答:它可以是,有一些警告。 没有明确的答案,这就是为什么浏览器嗅探广泛不受欢迎的原因之一。

较长的回答: IE用户代理字符串在不同条件下会有所不同。 例如,IE11的企业模式会报告一个IE8用户代理字符串。 (链接的文章提供了一个相对详尽的变体列表。)

一般建议是使用功能检测,逐步增强和优雅回退为不支持某些功能的浏览器提供内容体验。 或者,可能会有一个polyfill或替代方法帮助。 CanIUse是找出替代品的好资源。

Short answer: It can be, with certain caveats. There's no definitive answer and this is one reason why browser sniffing is widely discouraged.

Longer answer: The IE user agent string varies under different conditions. IE11's Enterprise Mode, for example, reports an IE8 user agent string. (The linked article provides a relatively exhaustive list of variations.)

The general recommendation is to use feature detection, progressive enhancement, and graceful fallback to delivery a content experience for browsers that don't support certain features. Alternatively, there may be a polyfill or alternate approach that helps. CanIUse is a good resource for figuring out alternatives.


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