首页 \ 问答 \ nl2br返回
\ r \ n,如何使所有内置的PHP函数返回\ n而不是?(nl2br returns
\r\n, how to make all built in PHP functions return \n instead?)

\ r \ n,如何使所有内置的PHP函数返回\ n而不是?(nl2br returns
\r\n, how to make all built in PHP functions return \n instead?)

不要误会我的意思,我对PHP 5.3.0 xhtml <br />标签并不感到困扰,当然,我可以轻松地将\ r \ n替换为\ n。

事情是我想在这个PHP 5.3.0之前的服务器上进行某种全局设置,以使所有类似的内置PHP函数理解我要输出的HTML行之间的正确换行符是\ n,而不是\ r \ ñ。

我想要我不想要的东西吗? 这是一场不可能的梦吗? 或者我只是忘记了不可控制的常数。 这些问题没有尽头。

无论哪种方式,只是回答主题中的那个会让我高兴:)是否可能,或者我必须在构建它之后str_replace整个文章字符串。 谢谢。 顺便说一句,猫王生活。 或者至少,'生活'是'猫王'的字谜,这对我来说已经足够好,因为我不是真正的粉丝。


Don't get me wrong, I'm not bothered about the pre PHP 5.3.0 xhtml <br /> tags, and I can easily replace the \r\n with \n, of course.

Thing is I want some sort of global setting on this pre PHP 5.3.0 server to make all similar built in PHP functions to understand that a correct line break between the HTML lines I want to output is a \n, not a \r\n.

Do I want what I shouldn't want? Is it an impossible dream? Or did I just forget the ungooglable constant. There are no end to the questions.

Either way, just an answer to the one in subject would make me happy :) Is it possible, or do I have to str_replace the entire article string once I've built it. Thanks. BTW, Elvis lives. Or at least, 'lives' is an anagram of 'elvis' which is good enough for me since I wasn't really a fan.

In short, I want to save a byte per newline in the HTTPRESULT.

更新时间:2022-08-26 07:08


简单地说, select.name = iteration2;


Simply, select.name = iteration2;

MDN Reference


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  • 简单地说, select.name = iteration2; MDN参考 Simply, select.name = iteration2; MDN Reference
  • 问题是submit()是一个内置函数,只要提交
    就会调用它。 要提交表单的自定义功能,您不仅需要使用不同的函数名称,还要阻止使用event.preventDefault()提交默认表单,并将事件传递给函数。 这可以在下面看到 - 请注意sayHello()将清除屏幕(尝试表单提交),而customSubmit()将不会: