首页 \ 问答 \ 扭曲线程如何避免深度拷贝(Twisted threading howto avoid deepcopy)

扭曲线程如何避免深度拷贝(Twisted threading howto avoid deepcopy)

我有一个扭曲的服务器,它为每个请求执行一些“长”任务,所以我推迟每个调用的线程。 在每个请求中,我访问一个公共资源,这个资源在这个过程中被修改。 每个请求应该从原始数据开始,所以我使用公共资源的深层拷贝(在调用锁获取时)。 它的工作原理,但我认为它不够快。 我有一种感觉,deepcopy会让事情变慢一点。


I have a twisted server which does some "long" task for each request so i defer to thread each call. In each request i access a common resource, which gets altered during the process. Each request should start with the original data so i use deepcopy on the common resource (while invoking a lock acquire). It works, BUT i think it's not fast enough. I have the feeling that deepcopy is slowing things a bit.

What suggestions do you have when dealing in a threaded twisted server with resources mutation ?

更新时间:2023-07-29 20:07



let state = {
    authors : {
        [ givenId ] : { 
            ...this.state.authors[ givenID ], 
            bio : newValue 



无论如何,管理状态state / setState或者redux与'和解'无关。

在这两种情况下,您都可以使用“Object Spread Syntax”语法更改嵌套数据的一部分。

所有你会关心剩下的就是将'相同'的键传递给映射的jsx。 因此,虽然反应放弃,但它不会尝试对不必要的部分进行dom更新,这很昂贵。

Thank you to jpdeatorre and daveols for pointing me at Redux.

Here is an example application (with tons of corner cutting, but it shows the technique) of using Redux to isolate components from state changes that are irrelevant to them.

In this example the changes to the author Alice with id 1 don't cause Author components that don't depend on Alice to have their render() called.

This is because Redux's supplied shouldComponentUpdate for its connected react components evaluates whether the props and if relevant state have changed.

Be forewarned that Redux's optimization here is shallow. To determine wither or not to skip render() Redux's shouldComponentUpdate checks if:

  • The old and new props are === to one another
  • Or, if not that they have the same keys and the values of those keys are === to one another.

So it could result in render() being called for components whose values are still logically equivalent however the props to those components and their first level keys do not compare as equal with ===. See: https://github.com/reactjs/react-redux/blob/master/src/utils/shallowEqual.js

Note also that in order to prevent calling render() on the "dumb" component of Author I had to connect() it to Redux to enable Redux's shouldComponentUpdate logic - even though that component is doing nothing at all with the state and just reads its props.

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import React from 'react';

import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';

import update from 'immutability-helper';

const updateAuthor = ( author ) => {
  return ( {
    type : 'UPDATE_AUTHOR',
    // Presently we always update alice and not a particular author, so this is ignored.
  } );

const updateUnused = () => {
  return ( {
    type : 'UPDATE_UNUSUED',
    date : Date()
  } );

const initialState = {
  'authors': {
    1: {
      'name': 'Alice Author',
      'bio': 'Alice initial bio.'
    2: {
      'name': 'Bob Baker',
      'bio': 'Bob initial bio.'
  'publications': {
    1 : {
      'title' : 'Two Authors',
      'authors' : [ 1, 2 ]
    2 : {
      'title' : 'One Author',
      'authors' : [ 1 ]

const initialDate = Date();

const reduceUnused = ( state=initialDate, action ) => {
  switch ( action.type ) {
    case 'UPDATE_UNUSED':
      return action.date;

      return state;

const reduceAuthors = ( state=initialState, action ) => {
  switch ( action.type ) {
    case 'UPDATE_AUTHOR':
      let new_bio = state.authors['1'].bio + ' updated ';
      let new_state = update( state, { 'authors' : { '1' : { 'bio' : {$set : new_bio } } } } );
      let new_state = {
        authors : {
          [ 1 ] : {
            bio : new_bio
      return new_state;

      return state;

const testReducers = combineReducers( {
} );

const mapStateToPropsAL = ( state ) => {
  return ( {
    authors : state.reduceAuthors.authors
  } );

class AuthorList extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
        { Object.keys( this.props.authors ).map( ( author_id ) => {
          return <Author key={author_id} author_id={author_id} />;
        } ) }
AuthorList = connect( mapStateToPropsAL )(AuthorList);

const mapStateToPropsA = ( state, ownProps ) => {
  return ( {
    author : state.reduceAuthors.authors[ownProps.author_id]
  } );

class Author extends React.Component {

  render() {
    if ( this.props.author.name === 'Bob Baker' ) {
      alert( "Rendering Bob!" );

    return (
        <p>Name: {this.props.author.name}</p>
        <p>Bio: {this.props.author.bio}</p>
Author = connect( mapStateToPropsA )( Author );

const mapStateToPropsPL = ( state ) => {
  return ( {
    authors : state.reduceAuthors.authors,
    publications : state.reduceAuthors.publications
  } );

class PublicationList extends React.Component {

  render() {
    console.log( 'Rendering PublicationList' );
    let authors = this.props.authors;
    let publications = this.props.publications;
    return (
        { Object.keys( publications ).map( ( publication_id ) => {
          return <Publication key={publication_id} publication={publications[publication_id]} authors={authors} />;
        } ) }
PublicationList = connect( mapStateToPropsPL )( PublicationList );

class Publication extends React.Component {

  render() {
    console.log( 'Rendering Publication' );
    let authors = this.props.authors;
    let publication_authors = this.props.publication.authors.reduce( function( obj, x ) {
      obj[x] = authors[x];
      return obj;
    }, {} );

    return (
        <p>Title: {this.props.publication.title}</p>
          <AuthorList authors={publication_authors} />

const mapDispatchToProps = ( dispatch ) => {
  return ( {
    changeAlice : ( author ) => {
      dispatch( updateAuthor( author ) );
    changeUnused : () => {
      dispatch( updateUnused() );
  } );

class TestApp extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  render() {
    return (
          <span onClick={ () => { this.props.changeAlice( this.props.authors['1'] ); } }><b>Click to Change Alice!</b></span>
          <span onClick={ () => { this.props.changeUnused(); } }><b>Click to Irrelevant State!</b></span>

          <AuthorList authors={this.props.authors} />
          <PublicationList authors={this.props.authors} publications={this.props.publications} />
TestApp = connect( mapStateToPropsAL, mapDispatchToProps )( TestApp );

let store = createStore( testReducers );

  <Provider store={store}>
    <TestApp />
  document.getElementById( 'test' )


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