首页 \ 问答 \ 在MVP模式中长时间操作的地方设置等待光标的位置?(Where to set wait cursor in long operation in MVP pattern?)

在MVP模式中长时间操作的地方设置等待光标的位置?(Where to set wait cursor in long operation in MVP pattern?)


  1. 在视图中? 该观点不应该太了解业务逻辑,它是被动的。
  2. 主持人? 主持人调用UI代码似乎很奇怪。
  3. 向View界面添加方法,如SetWait(bool),并在演示者中调用它?


For a long operation that will be executed in presenter, where to set the wait cursor?

  1. in View? the view shouldn't know too much about business logic, it is passive.
  2. in presenter? seems odd in presenter to call UI code.
  3. add method to View interface, like SetWait(bool), and call it in presenter?

So what do you think?

更新时间:2023-07-03 22:07


在调用fetch_all之前cursor.execute(query, args=None)需要调用cursor.execute(query, args=None)

You need to call cursor.execute(query, args=None) before calling fetch_all


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