首页 \ 问答 \ MVC4 WebGrid和Ajax分页(MVC4 WebGrid and Ajax Pagination)

MVC4 WebGrid和Ajax分页(MVC4 WebGrid and Ajax Pagination)



<div id="Submitted">
        Model.Submitted, displayHeader: false, fieldNamePrefix: "Submitted_", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "Submitted",
        columns: new WebGridColumn[]{
        new WebGridColumn(){ ColumnName = "Date",Header = "Date",Style = "",CanSort = false,Format = x => x.Date.ToString(Globals.Default.DATEFORMAT) },
        new WebGridColumn(){ ColumnName = "ID",Header = "Review",Style = "", CanSort = false, Format = x=>@Html.ActionLink("Review","Review","Company",new{ID = x.ID },new{})  }

当单击下一页按钮时使用Ajax重新加载“已提交”div时,它会生成下一页正常 - 但它将转到控制器上的原始操作,该操作应该是整页。

它如何过滤除网格本身以外的所有内容? 用一些聪明的C#代码或jQuery?

编辑:澄清一下,我不是问如何更好地进行分页,或者我自己,只要我担心webgrid的默认分页工作正常应该 - 我问的是WebGrid如何做它是ajax回发到返回FULL页面的操作时的分页。

I have a simple question (may not be a simple answer!) with the WebGrid in MVC4.

I have a functional Grid like so

<div id="Submitted">
        Model.Submitted, displayHeader: false, fieldNamePrefix: "Submitted_", ajaxUpdateContainerId: "Submitted",
        columns: new WebGridColumn[]{
        new WebGridColumn(){ ColumnName = "Date",Header = "Date",Style = "",CanSort = false,Format = x => x.Date.ToString(Globals.Default.DATEFORMAT) },
        new WebGridColumn(){ ColumnName = "ID",Header = "Review",Style = "", CanSort = false, Format = x=>@Html.ActionLink("Review","Review","Company",new{ID = x.ID },new{})  }

When reloading the "Submitted" div with Ajax when the next page button is clicked, it generates the next page fine - but it's going to the original action on the controller, which should be a full page.

How does it filter out everything other than the grid itself? with some clever C# code or jQuery?

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not asking how to do the paging better, or myself, as far as I'm concerned the default paging with the webgrid is working perfectly as it should - I'm asking how the WebGrid does it's ajax paging when posting back to an action which is returning a FULL page.

更新时间:2023-07-21 15:07






您在问题中遗漏了一些相关信息,例如“ 来自user-chat-list.php的HTML看起来是什么样的 ?” 因此,很难准确理解代码的应用方式。

尽管如此,这里有一个简单的例子,说明你提供的内容,你可以修改它来做你想要的。 您可以运行以下代码段以查看工作示例:

var $searchBox = $('#search-weeazer');
var $userDivs = $('.chat-users div');

$searchBox.on('input', function() {
  var scope = this;
  if (!scope.value || scope.value == '') {

  $userDivs.each(function(i, div) {
    var $div = $(div);
    $div.toggle($div.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(scope.value.toLowerCase()) > -1);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id="search-weeazer">

<div class="chat-users">

After Question Edit

Here is an updated JSFiddle based on the JSFiddle you included showing how to implement the search with your particular use-case:


Original Answer:

You're missing some pertinent information in your question, such as "what does the HTML look like that comes from user-chat-list.php?" And because of that it makes it hard to understand exactly how your code applies.

Nevertheless, here is a simple example upon what you have provided that you can modify that does what you are looking for. You can run the following code snippet to see a working example:

var $searchBox = $('#search-weeazer');
var $userDivs = $('.chat-users div');

$searchBox.on('input', function() {
  var scope = this;
  if (!scope.value || scope.value == '') {

  $userDivs.each(function(i, div) {
    var $div = $(div);
    $div.toggle($div.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(scope.value.toLowerCase()) > -1);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id="search-weeazer">

<div class="chat-users">


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