首页 \ 问答 \ mondrian mdx在日期维度中过滤年份级别的集合(mondrian mdx filter a set on year level in a date dimension)

mondrian mdx在日期维度中过滤年份级别的集合(mondrian mdx filter a set on year level in a date dimension)

mdx新手。 我有一个具有日期维度的查询。 年份是整数,属于CalYear级别。 我正在使用蒙德里安(通过Pentaho)

我如何在2012年后展示多年? 数据年份为2012年,2013年,2014年的整数值。它是时间维度; 这个级别是一年。


     [Measures].[SalesMonth] ON COLUMNS,
    {[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].CalYear.members} ON ROWS
    FROM [mt_report] 



    [Measures].[SalesMonth] ON COLUMNS,
[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].CalYear.CurrentMember.Value > 0) ON ROWS
    FROM [mt_report]


     [Measures].[SalesMonth] ON COLUMNS,
[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].CalYear.CurrentMember.Value > 9999) ON ROWS
    FROM [mt_report]



[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].[CalYear].CurrentMember.name > '2012')

mdx newbie. I have a query which has a date dimension. Years are integers and are in the level CalYear. I'm using Mondrian (via Pentaho)

How do I show years after 2012? The data years with integer values 2012, 2013, 2014. It is a Time dimension; this level is a Year.

If I start from this query:

     [Measures].[SalesMonth] ON COLUMNS,
    {[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].CalYear.members} ON ROWS
    FROM [mt_report] 

I get a result of three rows.

I try this:

    [Measures].[SalesMonth] ON COLUMNS,
[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].CalYear.CurrentMember.Value > 0) ON ROWS
    FROM [mt_report]

and it returns all data (same as the first query)


     [Measures].[SalesMonth] ON COLUMNS,
[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].CalYear.CurrentMember.Value > 9999) ON ROWS
    FROM [mt_report]

but this also returns the same.

This works ...

[YearMonth.CalYearMonth].[CalYear].CurrentMember.name > '2012')

更新时间:2022-08-13 06:08




**根据您拥有的实例数量,数据可能不适合统一数组。 所以你可以考虑使用Uniform块(它允许你存储比简单的统一变量更多的数据),如果这还不够,GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER就可以了。 不要让这个名字欺骗你,GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER可以保存任意数据,而不仅仅是纹理数据。



Given that the arrow is a vector, you can just insert all your vector data into a uniform array** and use gl_InstanceID to look them up in your vertex shader and simply pass them over to gl_Position.

If you need to apply a transformation to the arrows (by looking at your data: translation for the location, rotation for the direction and scaling for the length), you would issue the instanced drawing statement on a single set of vertices (your base arrow), use a uniform array of matrices for the transformation and look those matrices up in a similar way in your vertex shader.

**Depending on how many instances you have though,the data may not fit into a uniform array. So you can look into using a Uniform block (which allows you to store more data than a simple uniform variable) and if that is also not enough, a GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER will do the trick. Don't let the name fool you, GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER can hold arbitrary data, not just texture data.

Uniform block is backed by https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Uniform_Buffer_Object

For texture buffer, read out https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Buffer_Texture


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