首页 \ 问答 \ 根据存在的命令杀死Linux进程(Kill Linux processes based on commands present)

根据存在的命令杀死Linux进程(Kill Linux processes based on commands present)

我正在学习Linux并且需要编写一个shell脚本,只要在其上运行另一个命令就会终止所有进程。 我知道如何使用变量编写脚本,但似乎无法找到为命令执行此操作的方法。

我想我需要找到一种方法来评估命令是否为真,并将其用作if语句的条件。 但我尝试的任何东西都会返回错

Linux是我学习的第一个CS相关的东西,我绝对坚持这一步。 我试着寻找这个,但我不确定要写什么。

这是sh shell。


I am learning Linux and need to write a shell script that will kill all processes whenever another command runs on it. I know how to write a script with a variable, but cannot seem to find ways of doing it for a command.

I would imagine that I need to find a way to evaluate if the command is true or not and to use that as the condition for an if statement. But anything I try returns errors.

Linux is the first CS related thing that I am learning and I am absolutely stuck at this step. I tried searching for this but am not quiet sure what to write.

It's the sh shell.

Edit: Whenever a program is executed with a certain command I need the script to terminate it right away.

更新时间:2023-08-19 19:08


你可以使用grep \bword\b ,这是在bash解析反斜杠之后真的是grep bwordb

使用grep '\bword\b' (注意单引号)。

You are proabably using grep \bword\b which is really grep bwordb after bash parses the backslashes.

Use grep '\bword\b' (note the single-quotes).


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