首页 \ 问答 \ 密码包中哈希函数的哈希值(Hash of hash functions in cryptonite package)

密码包中哈希函数的哈希值(Hash of hash functions in cryptonite package)

我正在尝试使用Crypto.Hash模块 (cryptonite包)并生成“哈希哈希”结果。

问题是模块的散列函数的签名是hashlazy :: HashAlgorithm a => ByteString -> Digest a ,所以在我生成hashlazy (hashlazy x) ,我需要将Digest翻译成ByteString。



-- produce a hexadecimal string representation of the digest
myHash :: ByteString -> String
myHash b = show (hashlazy bs :: Digest SHA256)

-- convert a hexadecimal string into a ByteString
fromHexString :: String -> ByteString
fromHexString = undefined 

然后我现在可以做hashhash x = myHash $ fromHexString $ myHash x ...


我的问题:我是否正确使用了库函数? 我错过了某处的转换功能吗? 或者我应该采取不同的做法?

===编辑1 ===

我想保持我的问题简单并避免其他我认为不重要的细节,但我确实需要将哈希结果转换回ByteString,因为我需要在再次散列之前操作它。 例如,

-- myByteString is a constant
-- firstByteString is original input
finalResult = hash $ append myByteString (hash firstByteString)

===编辑2 ===

我接受了本的答案,并从中学习,但为了将来参考,将Crypto.Hash的Digest a转换为ByteString一种方法是通过内存包的 Data.ByteArray模块和pack函数

module Main where

import Data.ByteString
import Data.ByteString as BS (pack)
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (unpack)
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, hash)
import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256(..))

somehash = hash ("foo" :: ByteString) :: Digest SHA256

toByteString :: ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
toByteString = BS.pack . BA.unpack

somebytestring = toByteString somehash

I am trying to use the Crypto.Hash module (cryptonite package) and produce "hash of hash" results.

The issue is that the signature of the module's hash function is hashlazy :: HashAlgorithm a => ByteString -> Digest a, so before I can produce a hashlazy (hashlazy x), I'll need to translate a Digest into a ByteString.

Although there is a digestFromByteString function provided, there is no such function for the reverse (maybe it doesn't make sense for all Digests?).

So the only way I found is to do this :

-- produce a hexadecimal string representation of the digest
myHash :: ByteString -> String
myHash b = show (hashlazy bs :: Digest SHA256)

-- convert a hexadecimal string into a ByteString
fromHexString :: String -> ByteString
fromHexString = undefined 

and then I can now do hashhash x = myHash $ fromHexString $ myHash x...

But that looks very cumbersome.

My question: Am I using the library functions properly? Did I miss a conversion function somewhere? Or should I do things differently?

=== EDIT 1 ===

I wanted to keep my question simple and avoided other details which I thought weren't important, but I do need to convert the hash result back into a ByteString, as I need to do manipulate it before hashing again. Eg,

-- myByteString is a constant
-- firstByteString is original input
finalResult = hash $ append myByteString (hash firstByteString)

=== EDIT 2 ===

I accepted ben's answer, and learned from it, but for future reference, one way to convert Crypto.Hash's Digest a into a ByteString is via the memory package's Data.ByteArray module and the pack function :

module Main where

import Data.ByteString
import Data.ByteString as BS (pack)
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (unpack)
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, hash)
import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms (SHA256(..))

somehash = hash ("foo" :: ByteString) :: Digest SHA256

toByteString :: ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
toByteString = BS.pack . BA.unpack

somebytestring = toByteString somehash

更新时间:2022-02-22 14:02




在keyPressed(KeyEvent e)方法中,从当前面板中删除该按钮并将其添加到新面板。


import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class MyFrame extends JFrame {

    private JPanel [][] innerCells;
    private JButton b = new JButton("G");
    private int x=0;
    private int y=0;
    private final int size=10;

    public MyFrame() {
        JFrame fr = new JFrame("Final Exams");
        fr.setSize(800, 600);


        JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(size, size));

        innerCells = new JPanel[size][size];

        for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<size;j++){
                innerCells[i][j] = new JPanel();

        b.addKeyListener(new KListener());

    private class KListener extends KeyAdapter{
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
            int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
            switch( keyCode ) { 
                case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
                    x= x-1;

                case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                    x= (x+1)%size;

                case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                    y= y-1;
                case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT :
                    y= (y+1)%size; 
            if(x<0) x=size-1;

   ´        }

    public static void main(String[] args){
            MyFrame f = new MyFrame();

Guys i manage to solve at last this problem! here is the solution..I have done it with KeyListener but i think as @MadProgrammer says with key bindings its easier!

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Askhsh6 {

    int gr, st;
    Dimension dim;

    public Askhsh6() {
        final JFrame fr1 = new JFrame("a Title");
        fr1.setSize(800, 600);

        final JButton b = new JButton("G");
        dim = new Dimension(70, 50);
        b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

                boolean pop = b.isFocusOwner();

                pop = b.isFocusOwner();
                System.out.println("" + pop);
        final JPanel[][] p;
        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
        p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(8, 6));

        p = new JPanel[8][6];

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
                p[i][j] = new JPanel();
                p[i][j].setLayout(new BorderLayout());


        p[0][0].add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        gr = st = 0;

        fr1.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
                if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
                    if (gr + 1 < 8) {
                        gr = gr + 1;
                        p[gr][st].add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER);

                if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
                    if (gr - 1 >= 0) {
                        gr = gr - 1;
                        p[gr][st].add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER);

                if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
                    if (st - 1 >= 0) {
                        st = st - 1;
                        p[gr][st].add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER);

                if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
                    if (st + 1 < 6) {
                        st = st + 1;
                        p[gr][st].add(b, BorderLayout.CENTER);



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