首页 \ 问答 \ MEF CachedAssemblyCatalog - 延迟加载程序集(MEF CachedAssemblyCatalog - Lazy Loading of Assemblies)

MEF CachedAssemblyCatalog - 延迟加载程序集(MEF CachedAssemblyCatalog - Lazy Loading of Assemblies)


我想在我的应用程序中使用此功能,但我不确定此代码的稳定性/可靠性,以及是否有关于此功能的未来计划。 它是否计划在不久之后成为MEF不可或缺的一部分?

有没有人在他的应用程序中使用这个代码,并可以分享他的印象? 它稳定吗? 它按预期工作吗? 我对这样一个事实感到有些沮丧,即在Google上几乎没有这种类型的目录数据,并且缓存样本不再出现在当前可用的样本中


I'm very interested in the CachedAssemblyCatalog class introduced in the samples provided in older versions of MEF - which allows loading a small assembly containing just the export data instead of the entire assembly, and only loading the full assembly when a part from that assembly is required.

I'd like to use this feature in my application, but I'm not really sure about the stability/reliability of this code, and whether there are any future plans regarding this feature. Is it scheduled to become an integral part of MEF anytime soon, or at all?

Has anyone used this this code in his application and can share his impressions? Is it stable? Is it working as expected? I'm a bit discouraged by the fact that there is practically no data available for this type of catalog on Google and by the fact that the caching sample no longer appears in the currently available samples.

Any input will be greatly appreciated.

更新时间:2019-07-05 05:36



JSP.5.4 <jsp:include>


包含的页面不能更改响应状态代码或设置标题。 这排除了调用setCookie之类的方法。 尝试调用这些方法将被忽略。 该约束等同于施加在RequestDispatcher类的include方法上的约束。


From JSP Specification:

JSP.5.4 <jsp:include>


An included page cannot change the response status code or set headers. This precludes invoking methods like setCookie. Attempts to invoke these methods will be ignored. The constraint is equivalent to the one imposed on the include method of the RequestDispatcher class.

That is, attempt to set content type will be ignored.


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