首页 \ 问答 \ 如何让Maven构建版本从不变(How to make maven build take version from constant)

如何让Maven构建版本从不变(How to make maven build take version from constant)

我有一个多模块项目。 我已经在pom.xml中引入了一个属性app.version ,而不是版本中的任何版本:版本标记和模块部分中的依赖项。

我在哈德逊环境中使用maven 3.1.1。




[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model     for com.mycompany.project:project-module:jar:2.4.0
[WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant. @ com.mycompany.project:project-module:${app.version}, /var/lib/hudson/jobs/myJob TRUNK Maven/workspace/project-module/pom.xml, line 20, column 11


   --- modules
  |      |
  |       --- all other modules
   --- test        |
                     module A
                   |   |
                   |    module B
                     module C

我给哈德森从main_pom开始。 它最后处理main_pom。 为什么? 它从所有其他模块部分中的随机一个开始,构建其他模块,然后是模块,测试和main_pom。 为什么这个疯狂的命令?


正确的顺序是从main_pom - >模块B - >模块A等开始,但它直接从模块A开始。



    <artifactId>modules or parent_pom</artifactId>
    <relativePath>../modules or parent_pom</relativePath>

    <artifactId>some other module</artifactId>

I have a multi module project. I have introduced a property app.version which I use instead of version everywhere in the pom.xml: in version tag and in dependencies in modules part.

I use maven 3.1.1 in Hudson environment.

After substituting written values (1.6.0-SNAPSHOT) with ${app.version}, the build order that really goes through without error, is gone.

What caused the issue?

I got these kind of warnings in the begin, may it affect?

[WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model     for com.mycompany.project:project-module:jar:2.4.0
[WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant. @ com.mycompany.project:project-module:${app.version}, /var/lib/hudson/jobs/myJob TRUNK Maven/workspace/project-module/pom.xml, line 20, column 11

I would need to parse too much the pom.xml:s, so the hierarchy is like follows, I give it:

   --- modules
  |      |
  |       --- all other modules
   --- test        |
                     module A
                   |   |
                   |    module B
                     module C

I give for hudson to start from main_pom. It handles main_pom as last. Why? It starts now from random one in all other modules part, builds the others, then modules, test and main_pom. Why this insane order?

The fail is in module A. It builds that first and not module B.

Correct order would be to start from main_pom -> module B -> module A etc but it starts directly from module A.


My pom.xmls have the following structure:

    <artifactId>modules or parent_pom</artifactId>
    <relativePath>../modules or parent_pom</relativePath>

    <artifactId>some other module</artifactId>

更新时间:2023-09-04 22:09


GitHub当前的开发版本显然是Python 3兼容的(Python 3.5及更高版本)。


pip3 install git+https://github.com/webpy/webpy#egg=web.py

20166月起 ,该项目使用Travis进行持续集成, 并已配置Python 3.5为每次提交运行测试套件。

The web.py project is now publishing a pre-release version to PyPI that is Python 3 compatible; install it with:

pip install web.py==0.40-dev1

as outlined in their Getting Started section. You can also install the latest pre-release with

pip install --pre web.py

These releases are Python 3 compatible (Python 3.5 and up).

You can also install the current GitHub under-development codebase with:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/webpy/webpy#egg=web.py

The project uses Travis for continuous integration has configured Python 3.5 to run the test suite for each commit, since June 2016; the configuration has since been updated regularly to add new Python 3.x releases.


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