首页 \ 问答 \ 使用matplotlib的频率直方图 - 如何摆脱阵列显示?(frequency histogram with matplotlib--how to get rid of the array display?)

使用matplotlib的频率直方图 - 如何摆脱阵列显示?(frequency histogram with matplotlib--how to get rid of the array display?)



#Get rid of the border lines

#Axis label
xlabel("Gross Earnings", fontsize=16)  
ylabel("Frequency (in thousands)", fontsize=16) 

#Limit the x range so we can see the distribution more closely
xlim(0, 40000)


hist(earnings, weights=wgts, color="#3F5D7D", bins=100) 

我得到了直方图,但我也得到了巨型阵列的收益和显示的wgts。 我怎么摆脱那些?


I creating a simple frequency histogram:


#Get rid of the border lines

#Axis label
xlabel("Gross Earnings", fontsize=16)  
ylabel("Frequency (in thousands)", fontsize=16) 

#Limit the x range so we can see the distribution more closely
xlim(0, 40000)


hist(earnings, weights=wgts, color="#3F5D7D", bins=100) 

I get the histogram alright, but I also get the giant arrays earnings and wgts in display. How do I get rid of those?


更新时间:2022-07-15 17:07




    source         : base_url+"controller_name/suggest_names",
    minLength      : 1,
    select: function( event, ui ) {
        alert('id :'+ui.item.value) ;
        //document.location.href  = base_url+"controller_name/search?keyword="+ui.item.value; do something or redirect
    success : function(resp){
    error : function(){
        alert("Oops, that didn't work. Please try again.");



function suggest_names(){
    print_r ( $this->model_name->suggest_names($_REQUEST['term']) );


function suggest_names($term){
    $data   = array();
    $term   = strtolower( addslashes( trim( urldecode($term) ) ) );
    $temp   = $this->db->select('name as label, id as value')->like('name', $term, 'LEFT')->get('table_name')->result_array();
    $data   = json_encode($temp);
    //echo "<pre>";print_r($data);echo "</pre>";die;
    return $data;

如果您遇到任何问题,请告诉我。 希望对你有效。

Try something like this, You may need to change the code slightly to suit you,

In your script part:

    source         : base_url+"controller_name/suggest_names",
    minLength      : 1,
    select: function( event, ui ) {
        alert('id :'+ui.item.value) ;
        //document.location.href  = base_url+"controller_name/search?keyword="+ui.item.value; do something or redirect
    success : function(resp){
    error : function(){
        alert("Oops, that didn't work. Please try again.");


In your controller:

function suggest_names(){
    print_r ( $this->model_name->suggest_names($_REQUEST['term']) );

In your model part:

function suggest_names($term){
    $data   = array();
    $term   = strtolower( addslashes( trim( urldecode($term) ) ) );
    $temp   = $this->db->select('name as label, id as value')->like('name', $term, 'LEFT')->get('table_name')->result_array();
    $data   = json_encode($temp);
    //echo "<pre>";print_r($data);echo "</pre>";die;
    return $data;

Let me know if you face any problem. Hope it works for you.


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