首页 \ 问答 \ 为什么我的类字段在构造函数中被销毁(Why my class field is destroyed in constructor)

为什么我的类字段在构造函数中被销毁(Why my class field is destroyed in constructor)

在我的构造函数中,我初始化一个字段。 初始化后,该字段将被销毁。 这是我的代码和我的测试:


class A {
        T t;


    void add(string name, string num);


A::A() {
    cout << "Creating A\n";
    t = T(100);
    cout << "End\n";

void A::add(string name, string num) {
    cout << "calling add in A\n";
    t.add(name, num);


class T {
        E * t;
        T(int size=100);
    void add(std::string name, std::string num);


T::T(int size) : size(size) {
    t = new E[size];

T::~T() {
    cout << "Destroying\n";
    // delete[] t; // if I don't comment this I get Segfault when calling add method

void T::add(string name, string num){
        E e = E(name, num);
        t[0] = e;


 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    A a;
    a.add("name", "num");


Creating A
calling add in A

In my constructor I initialize a field. The field is destroyed just after the initialization. Here's my code and my test:


class A {
        T t;


    void add(string name, string num);


A::A() {
    cout << "Creating A\n";
    t = T(100);
    cout << "End\n";

void A::add(string name, string num) {
    cout << "calling add in A\n";
    t.add(name, num);


class T {
        E * t;
        T(int size=100);
    void add(std::string name, std::string num);


T::T(int size) : size(size) {
    t = new E[size];

T::~T() {
    cout << "Destroying\n";
    // delete[] t; // if I don't comment this I get Segfault when calling add method

void T::add(string name, string num){
        E e = E(name, num);
        t[0] = e;


 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    A a;
    a.add("name", "num");


Creating A
calling add in A

更新时间:2022-06-16 15:06


-pe是两个参数的组合, -p-e-e选项大致相当于Python的-c选项,它允许您指定在命令行上运行的代码。 没有Python等效的-p ,它有效地添加代码以在从标准输入读取的循环中运行传递的代码。 为此,您实际上必须在代码中编写相应的循环,以及从标准输入读取的代码。

-pe is a combination of two arguments, -p and -e. The -e option is roughly equivalent to Python's -c option, which lets you specify code to run on the command line. There is no Python equivalent of -p, which effectively adds code to run your passed code in a loop that reads from standard input. To get that, you'll actually have to write the corresponding loop in your code, along with the code that reads from standard input.


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