首页 \ 问答 \ 另一个@ font-face问题(Another @font-face issue)

另一个@ font-face问题(Another @font-face issue)

我正在建立一个网站,并希望使用花哨的,非标准的字体。 因此,我掌握了.ttf,并通过基于Web的转换器运行它以生成(较小的).woff2文件。

他们还提供了一个小页面来测试HTML,CSS和字体。 (我修改了一下,把它变成了一个.aspx文件,并且把它抽出服务器时间,这样我就可以确定它本身就是令人耳目一新的。

结果是,当我在本地预览此文件(我使用Visual Studio 2017)时,一切正常。 然后,我将.aspx,.css和.woff2文件FTP到一个(远程)测试服务器(与开发中的位置完全相同),并且不显示字体。


浏览器恰好是Firefox Quantum v58,但我不确定这会有什么不同,因为在本地,一切正常。 我可以理解,在安全设置方面,本地和远程之间可能存在差异,但我正在使用防火墙(Zonealarm)关闭进行这些测试。


/* font converted using font-converter.net. thank you! */
@font-face {
    font-family: 'ad';
    src: url('Fonts/ActionDisplay.woff2') format('woff2');

        <title>You converted a font!</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="stroke.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
            .thankyou, .notes {
                font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
                font-size: 16px;

            .sample {
                font-family: 'ad', Courier;
                font-size: 24px;
                border: 1px solid #ddd;
                display: inline-block;
                padding: 10px;
        <p class="thankyou">
            Thank you for using <a href="http://www.font-converter.net">font-converter.net</a>!<br />
            We really appreciate you for using our little service. We hope we can help you with our services again soon.
            <br /><br />
            And there it is, your lovely converted web font:

        <p class="sample">
            The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

        <p class="notes">
            <b>CSS Stylesheet:</b> You'll find the stylesheet in this folder (if selected). The file is called <code>style.css</code><br />
            <b>web fonts:</b> You'll find all converted fonts in a subdirectory called <code>fonts</code> in this folger<br />
            <% Response.Write(DateTime.Now.AddHours(8)) %>



I'm building a web site and want to use a fancy, non-standard font. So I got hold of the .ttf and ran it through a web-based converter to generate a (smaller) .woff2 file.

They also provided a small page to test html, css and font. (I modified it a little bit, turned it into an .aspx and got it to pump out the server time, just so I could be sure it was refreshing itself.

The upshot is that when I preview this file locally (I use Visual Studio 2017) everything works fine. I then FTP the .aspx, the .css and the .woff2 files up to a (remote) test server (in exactly the same locations as in development), and the font does not display.

So my question is, what is different between the local and remote sites, such that the local site will properly display the page, but the remote one won't?

The browser happens to be Firefox Quantum v58, but I'm not sure that makes much difference because, locally, everything works. I can appreciate that there may be a difference between local and remote in terms of security settings, but I am doing these tests with my firewall (Zonealarm) turned off.

Some snippets:

/* font converted using font-converter.net. thank you! */
@font-face {
    font-family: 'ad';
    src: url('Fonts/ActionDisplay.woff2') format('woff2');

        <title>You converted a font!</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="stroke.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
            .thankyou, .notes {
                font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
                font-size: 16px;

            .sample {
                font-family: 'ad', Courier;
                font-size: 24px;
                border: 1px solid #ddd;
                display: inline-block;
                padding: 10px;
        <p class="thankyou">
            Thank you for using <a href="http://www.font-converter.net">font-converter.net</a>!<br />
            We really appreciate you for using our little service. We hope we can help you with our services again soon.
            <br /><br />
            And there it is, your lovely converted web font:

        <p class="sample">
            The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

        <p class="notes">
            <b>CSS Stylesheet:</b> You'll find the stylesheet in this folder (if selected). The file is called <code>style.css</code><br />
            <b>web fonts:</b> You'll find all converted fonts in a subdirectory called <code>fonts</code> in this folger<br />
            <% Response.Write(DateTime.Now.AddHours(8)) %>

and the working page:


更新时间:2022-09-01 12:09


实际上,您所引用的示例是为Java 7编写的。获取编写这些示例的免费电子书 ,您将阅读:

如果您需要升级以使此示例在您的操作系统上运行,您可能希望避免使用64位版本的Java 7,并选择32位版本。 64位版本的Java 6以及Java 7中缺少SunPKCS11提供程序。在下一章中我们将需要该提供程序。 Oracle何时解决此问题并不存在ETA。

这是3年前写的。 您可能想查看该指控的当前状态。

如您所知, sun不支持sun包中的所有类,例如sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 。 阅读的答案, 这是一个不好的做法,使用Sun的专有的Java类?

Actually, the examples you refer to were written for Java 7. Get the free ebook for which those examples were written and you'll read:

if you need to upgrade to make this example work on your OS, you may want to avoid the 64-bit version of Java 7, and opt for the 32-bit version. The SunPKCS11 provider is missing in the 64-bit version of Java 6 as well as Java 7. We’ll need that provider in the next chapter. There’s no ETA as to when Oracle will fix this problem.

That was written 3 years ago. You may want to check on the current status of that allegation.

As you know, all classes in sun packages, such as sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 aren't really supported by Oracle. Read the answers to It is a bad practice to use Sun's proprietary Java classes?


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