首页 \ 问答 \ Libgdx ImageButton填充?(Libgdx ImageButton padding?)

Libgdx ImageButton填充?(Libgdx ImageButton padding?)

所以我对libgdx的ImageButton类有这个问题,问题是在android中图像没有扩展到按钮的完整大小,而在桌面它确实或者至少它做了更多,所以我不得不问是否有办法强制图像获取背景(按钮)的大小? 所以我可以试着在两个平台上做出相同的视觉效果。

下面是一个屏幕截图,后面的空格按钮是ImageButton ... 在此处输入图像描述


    private void createButtons() {

        ImageButtonStyle ibs = new ImageButtonStyle(buttonD,buttonD_p,buttonD,bsIcon,bsIcon,bsIcon);
        buttonBS        = new ImageButton(ibs); // This is the backspace button

    private void addButtonsToTable() {
        float pad = 1;
        float BUTTON_SIZE = this.BUTTON_SIZE - pad *3;


so I have this problem with ImageButton class of libgdx, the problem is that in android the image doesnt expand to the full size of the button, and in desktop it does or at least it does more, so I have to ask if theres a way to force the image to get the size of the background(button)? so i can try to make an equal visualitation on both plataforms.

heres a screen shot, the back space button is the ImageButton... enter image description here

edit: heres the code....

    private void createButtons() {

        ImageButtonStyle ibs = new ImageButtonStyle(buttonD,buttonD_p,buttonD,bsIcon,bsIcon,bsIcon);
        buttonBS        = new ImageButton(ibs); // This is the backspace button

    private void addButtonsToTable() {
        float pad = 1;
        float BUTTON_SIZE = this.BUTTON_SIZE - pad *3;


更新时间:2023-01-08 13:01



position: fixed;
left: 0
top: 0

应该帮助你。 它钉在屏幕顶部左上角的元素。

Adding styles:

position: fixed;
left: 0
top: 0

should help you. It nails element top top left corner of a screen.


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