首页 \ 问答 \ 列表中的选项可以在呈现后更改吗?(Can choices in a list be changed after it has been been rendered?)

列表中的选项可以在呈现后更改吗?(Can choices in a list be changed after it has been been rendered?)

我有一个w2ui表单,其中包含一个w2ui Drop List of options。 选择将根据用户选择用于调出表单的内容而有所不同。 我的问题是:Drop List的内容可以在呈现后更改吗?


$("#mySelect option[value='xyz']").remove();


$("#mySelect").append('<option value="abc">abc</option>');

这些操作可以使用w2ui Drop List完成吗? 任何示例代码?

I have a w2ui form that contains a w2ui Drop List of choices. The choices will be different depending on what the user selected to bring up the form. My question is: can the contents of a Drop List be changed after it has been rendered?

With standard HTML controls, I would do something like this:

$("#mySelect option[value='xyz']").remove();


$("#mySelect").append('<option value="abc">abc</option>');

Can these kinds of operations be done with a w2ui Drop List? Any example code?

更新时间:2022-04-03 17:04





诀窍是你需要使用一个委托,它知道它与之相关的AppDomain,然后通过将委托转换为函数指针来调用委托。 这有效地将非托管调用封送到正确的AppDomain中,然后再执行托管c


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <msclr/gcroot.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

#pragma unmanaged

class IService
    virtual void Operate() = 0;

DWORD __stdcall MyNativeThread(LPVOID arg)
    IService* service = (IService*)arg;


    return 0;

void StartNativeThread(IService* service)
    CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, &MyNativeThread, service, 0, NULL));

#pragma managed 

typedef void (__stdcall ConnectFnc)();

public ref class ServiceManagedImpl
        m_OperateDelegate = gcnew Delegate(this, &ServiceManagedImpl::Operate);
    ConnectFnc *GetDelegateFunctionPointer()
        return   (ConnectFnc*)(Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(m_OperateDelegate).ToPointer());

    void Operate()
        System::Console::WriteLine("ServiceManagedImpl::Operate: Domain: {0}", System::AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Id);
    delegate void Delegate();
    Delegate ^m_OperateDelegate;

class ServiceImpl : public IService
    ServiceImpl(ServiceManagedImpl^ managedImpl)
        m_managedImpl = new msclr::gcroot<ServiceManagedImpl^>(managedImpl);   
        m_pFunction = (*m_managedImpl)->GetDelegateFunctionPointer();
        delete m_managedImpl;
    void operator()() const

    virtual void Operate() override

    msclr::gcroot<ServiceManagedImpl^> *m_managedImpl;
    ConnectFnc *m_pFunction;

public ref class MyMmcSnapIn : MarshalByRefObject
        System::Console::WriteLine("MyMmcSnapIn.ctor: Domain: {0}", AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Id);

        ServiceImpl testImpl = ServiceImpl(gcnew ServiceManagedImpl());



int main()
    Console::WriteLine(L"Main: Domain: {0}", AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Id);

    AppDomain^ mmcSnapInAppDomain = AppDomain::CreateDomain("AppDomainForMyMmcSnapIn");

    // direct instantiation works as expected
    // gcnew MyMmcSnapIn();

    String^ entryAssemblyLocation = Reflection::Assembly::GetEntryAssembly()->Location;
    mmcSnapInAppDomain->CreateInstanceFrom(entryAssemblyLocation, "MyMmcSnapIn");

    return 0;

This could be done the way is suggested here:


To summarize the solution:

The trick is that you need to use a delegate, which knows about the AppDomain that it relates to, and then call through the delegate by converting it to a function pointer. This effectively marshals the unmanaged call into the correct AppDomain before executing the managed c

Applying the solution to your code, it compiles and executes as expected:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <msclr/gcroot.h>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

#pragma unmanaged

class IService
    virtual void Operate() = 0;

DWORD __stdcall MyNativeThread(LPVOID arg)
    IService* service = (IService*)arg;


    return 0;

void StartNativeThread(IService* service)
    CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, &MyNativeThread, service, 0, NULL));

#pragma managed 

typedef void (__stdcall ConnectFnc)();

public ref class ServiceManagedImpl
        m_OperateDelegate = gcnew Delegate(this, &ServiceManagedImpl::Operate);
    ConnectFnc *GetDelegateFunctionPointer()
        return   (ConnectFnc*)(Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(m_OperateDelegate).ToPointer());

    void Operate()
        System::Console::WriteLine("ServiceManagedImpl::Operate: Domain: {0}", System::AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Id);
    delegate void Delegate();
    Delegate ^m_OperateDelegate;

class ServiceImpl : public IService
    ServiceImpl(ServiceManagedImpl^ managedImpl)
        m_managedImpl = new msclr::gcroot<ServiceManagedImpl^>(managedImpl);   
        m_pFunction = (*m_managedImpl)->GetDelegateFunctionPointer();
        delete m_managedImpl;
    void operator()() const

    virtual void Operate() override

    msclr::gcroot<ServiceManagedImpl^> *m_managedImpl;
    ConnectFnc *m_pFunction;

public ref class MyMmcSnapIn : MarshalByRefObject
        System::Console::WriteLine("MyMmcSnapIn.ctor: Domain: {0}", AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Id);

        ServiceImpl testImpl = ServiceImpl(gcnew ServiceManagedImpl());



int main()
    Console::WriteLine(L"Main: Domain: {0}", AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Id);

    AppDomain^ mmcSnapInAppDomain = AppDomain::CreateDomain("AppDomainForMyMmcSnapIn");

    // direct instantiation works as expected
    // gcnew MyMmcSnapIn();

    String^ entryAssemblyLocation = Reflection::Assembly::GetEntryAssembly()->Location;
    mmcSnapInAppDomain->CreateInstanceFrom(entryAssemblyLocation, "MyMmcSnapIn");

    return 0;


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