首页 \ 问答 \ do块内输入'< - '的解析错误?(Parse Error on Input '<-' inside a do block?)

do块内输入'< - '的解析错误?(Parse Error on Input '<-' inside a do block?)

我正在尝试使用Parsec在Haskell中进行一些解析。 我的代码中有很多解析器,但是其中一个解析器出错了:

expression2 =
    do (operator lexer "|"
        a <- alternate
        as <- expression2
        return $ a:as
  ) <|> return []

错误是parse error on input '<- ,在a <- alternate行上的parse error on input '<-



I'm trying to do some parsing in Haskell using Parsec. I've got a number of parsers in my code, but am getting an error on one of them:

expression2 =
    do (operator lexer "|"
        a <- alternate
        as <- expression2
        return $ a:as
  ) <|> return []

The error is parse error on input '<-, on the a <- alternate line.

Can anyone explain why I'm getting this error, and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

更新时间:2023-01-22 19:01




<form id="myForm" method="post" action="ss.php">
    <div class="img">            
        <img id="theme_bg" src="images/themes/theme1.jpg">
        <input name="imgpath" id="imgpath" type="hidden"/>


$(document).ready(function ($) {
        $('.img').on('click', 'img', function () {
            var imgsrc = $(this).attr('src');
            $("#imgpath").val(imgsrc);       //this is returning the img src correctly 


   $imagepath = $_POST['imgpath'];
   echo $imagepath;

Why you wrote ss.php in anchor you dont need that that's why it redirecting ss.php on click and getting error undefined index.

Your html code should be like this:

<form id="myForm" method="post" action="ss.php">
    <div class="img">            
        <img id="theme_bg" src="images/themes/theme1.jpg">
        <input name="imgpath" id="imgpath" type="hidden"/>

Jquery code:

$(document).ready(function ($) {
        $('.img').on('click', 'img', function () {
            var imgsrc = $(this).attr('src');
            $("#imgpath").val(imgsrc);       //this is returning the img src correctly 


   $imagepath = $_POST['imgpath'];
   echo $imagepath;


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