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JTable和验证引擎的问题(Problems With JTable and Validation Engine)

我在使用PHP + JQuery的网站上工作。 对于CRUD操作,我使用JTable和validationEngine进行表单验证。 我正在为密码更改创建一个新的JQuery Dialog,但是当我关闭并再次打开密码对话框时,validationEngine会返回“True”。 这是我的完整javascript代码:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
            title : 'Alumnos',
            sorting : true,
            actions : {
                listAction : '../php/alumnosActions/selectAlumnos.php',
                createAction : '../php/alumnosActions/agregarAlumno.php',
                updateAction : '../php/alumnosActions/updateAlumno.php',
                deleteAction : '../php/alumnosActions/deleteAlumno.php'
            fields : {
                ficha : {
                    title : '',
                    width : '1%',
                    sorting : false,
                    edit : false,
                    create : false,
                    display : function(Data) {
                        var $img = $('<button class="jtable-command-button jtable-view-command-button" src="../style/jtable/metro/list.png" title="Ver Más..." />');
                        $img.click(function() {
                            var $div = $("<div id='dialog' title='Información'>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Nombre Completo: </label></strong>" + Data.record.apellidosalumno + " " + Data.record.nombresalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Sexo: </label></strong>" + Data.record.sexoalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Dirección Completa: </label></strong>" + Data.record.direccionalumno + ", " + Data.record.ciudadalumno + ", " + Data.record.estadoalumno + ", " + Data.record.paisalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Periodo de Registro: </label></strong>" + Data.record.periodoregistroalumno + " Del " + Data.record.anoregistroalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Periodo Actual: </label></strong>" + Data.record.periodoactualalumno + " Del " + Data.record.anoactualalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Semestre: </label></strong>" + Data.record.semestrealumno + "</div>");
                                modal : true
                        return $img;
                num_control : {
                    key : true,
                    title : 'No. Control',
                    create : true,
                    edit : false,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                password : {
                    list : false,
                    title : 'Contraseña',
                    type : 'password',
                    create : true,
                    edit : false,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                apellidosalumno : {
                    title : 'Apellidos',
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                nombresalumno : {
                    title : 'Nombre',
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                sexoalumno : {
                    list : false,
                    title : 'Sexo',
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    options : {
                        'M' : 'Masculino',
                        'F' : 'Femenino'
                direccionalumno : {
                    title : 'Dirección',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                ciudadalumno : {
                    title : 'Ciudad',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                estadoalumno : {
                    title : 'Estado',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                paisalumno : {
                    title : 'Pais',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                carreraalumno : {
                    title : 'Carrera',
                    options : '../php/carrerasActions/selectCarrerasDropDown.php'
                periodoregistroalumno : {
                    title : 'Periodo de Registro',
                    options : {
                        '1' : 'Ene-Abril',
                        '2' : 'Mayo-Agosto',
                        '3' : 'Sep-Dic'
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true
                anoregistroalumno : {
                    title : 'Año de Registro',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[integer],min[1980]]'
                periodoactualalumno : {
                    title : 'Periodo Actual',
                    options : {
                        '1' : 'Ene-Abril',
                        '2' : 'Mayo-Agosto',
                        '3' : 'Sep-Dic'
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true
                anoactualalumno : {
                    title : 'Año del Periodo Actual',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[integer],min[1980]]'
                semestrealumno : {
                    title : 'Semestre',
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[integer]]'
                emailalumno : {
                    title : 'E-mail',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[email]]'
                cambiar_password : {
                    title : '',
                    width : '1%',
                    sorting : false,
                    edit : false,
                    create : false,
                    display : function(Data) {
                        var $img = $('<button class="jtable-command-button jtable-password-command-button" title="Cambiar Contraseña" />');
                        $img.click(function() {
                            var $div = $("<div id='dialog2' title='Cambiar Contraseña'>" + "<form id='cambia_pass' class='jtable-dialog-form' style='-moz-column-count:auto;-webkit-column-count:auto;column-count:auto;-moz-column-gap:auto;-webkit-column-gap:auto;column-gap:auto;'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-field-container'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-label'>Antigua Contraseña</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input jtable-password-input'><input type='password' class='validate[required]' name='antiguo_pass' id='antiguo_pass'/></div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input-field-container'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-label'>Escriba Contraseña</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input jtable-password-input'><input type='password' class='validate[required]' name='nuevo_pass1' id='nuevo_pass1'/></div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input-field-container'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-label'>Repita Contraseña</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input jtable-password-input'><input type='password' class='validate[required],equals[nuevo_pass1]' name='nuevo_pass2 id='nuevo_pass2'/></div>" + "</div>" + "</form>" + "</div>");
                                modal : true,
                                close : function(event, ui) {
                                buttons : {
                                    "Actualizar" : function() {
                                        if ($("#cambia_pass").validationEngine('validate')) {

                                    "Cancelar" : function() {
                        return $img;
            formSubmitting : function(event, data) {
                return data.form.validationEngine('validate');
            formClosed : function(event, data) {

        $('#cmdBuscar').click(function(e) {
            $('#catalogoAlumnos').jtable('load', {
                no_control : $('#search_nocontrol').val(),
                apellidos : $('#search_apellidos').val(),
                nombres : $('#search_nombres').val(),
                carrera : $('#search_carrera').val(),
                semestre : $('#search_semestre').val(),

i'm working in a site using PHP+JQuery. For CRUD operations i'm using JTable with validationEngine for form validation. I'm creating a new JQuery Dialog for Password Change, but validationEngine returns me "True" when i close and open again the password dialog. this is my full javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
            title : 'Alumnos',
            sorting : true,
            actions : {
                listAction : '../php/alumnosActions/selectAlumnos.php',
                createAction : '../php/alumnosActions/agregarAlumno.php',
                updateAction : '../php/alumnosActions/updateAlumno.php',
                deleteAction : '../php/alumnosActions/deleteAlumno.php'
            fields : {
                ficha : {
                    title : '',
                    width : '1%',
                    sorting : false,
                    edit : false,
                    create : false,
                    display : function(Data) {
                        var $img = $('<button class="jtable-command-button jtable-view-command-button" src="../style/jtable/metro/list.png" title="Ver Más..." />');
                        $img.click(function() {
                            var $div = $("<div id='dialog' title='Información'>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Nombre Completo: </label></strong>" + Data.record.apellidosalumno + " " + Data.record.nombresalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Sexo: </label></strong>" + Data.record.sexoalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Dirección Completa: </label></strong>" + Data.record.direccionalumno + ", " + Data.record.ciudadalumno + ", " + Data.record.estadoalumno + ", " + Data.record.paisalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Periodo de Registro: </label></strong>" + Data.record.periodoregistroalumno + " Del " + Data.record.anoregistroalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Periodo Actual: </label></strong>" + Data.record.periodoactualalumno + " Del " + Data.record.anoactualalumno + "<br>" + "<strong><label class='jtable-input-label'>Semestre: </label></strong>" + Data.record.semestrealumno + "</div>");
                                modal : true
                        return $img;
                num_control : {
                    key : true,
                    title : 'No. Control',
                    create : true,
                    edit : false,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                password : {
                    list : false,
                    title : 'Contraseña',
                    type : 'password',
                    create : true,
                    edit : false,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                apellidosalumno : {
                    title : 'Apellidos',
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                nombresalumno : {
                    title : 'Nombre',
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                sexoalumno : {
                    list : false,
                    title : 'Sexo',
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    options : {
                        'M' : 'Masculino',
                        'F' : 'Femenino'
                direccionalumno : {
                    title : 'Dirección',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                ciudadalumno : {
                    title : 'Ciudad',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                estadoalumno : {
                    title : 'Estado',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                paisalumno : {
                    title : 'Pais',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required]'
                carreraalumno : {
                    title : 'Carrera',
                    options : '../php/carrerasActions/selectCarrerasDropDown.php'
                periodoregistroalumno : {
                    title : 'Periodo de Registro',
                    options : {
                        '1' : 'Ene-Abril',
                        '2' : 'Mayo-Agosto',
                        '3' : 'Sep-Dic'
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true
                anoregistroalumno : {
                    title : 'Año de Registro',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[integer],min[1980]]'
                periodoactualalumno : {
                    title : 'Periodo Actual',
                    options : {
                        '1' : 'Ene-Abril',
                        '2' : 'Mayo-Agosto',
                        '3' : 'Sep-Dic'
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true
                anoactualalumno : {
                    title : 'Año del Periodo Actual',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[integer],min[1980]]'
                semestrealumno : {
                    title : 'Semestre',
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[integer]]'
                emailalumno : {
                    title : 'E-mail',
                    list : false,
                    create : true,
                    edit : true,
                    inputClass : 'validate[required,custom[email]]'
                cambiar_password : {
                    title : '',
                    width : '1%',
                    sorting : false,
                    edit : false,
                    create : false,
                    display : function(Data) {
                        var $img = $('<button class="jtable-command-button jtable-password-command-button" title="Cambiar Contraseña" />');
                        $img.click(function() {
                            var $div = $("<div id='dialog2' title='Cambiar Contraseña'>" + "<form id='cambia_pass' class='jtable-dialog-form' style='-moz-column-count:auto;-webkit-column-count:auto;column-count:auto;-moz-column-gap:auto;-webkit-column-gap:auto;column-gap:auto;'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-field-container'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-label'>Antigua Contraseña</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input jtable-password-input'><input type='password' class='validate[required]' name='antiguo_pass' id='antiguo_pass'/></div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input-field-container'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-label'>Escriba Contraseña</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input jtable-password-input'><input type='password' class='validate[required]' name='nuevo_pass1' id='nuevo_pass1'/></div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input-field-container'>" + "<div class='jtable-input-label'>Repita Contraseña</div>" + "<div class='jtable-input jtable-password-input'><input type='password' class='validate[required],equals[nuevo_pass1]' name='nuevo_pass2 id='nuevo_pass2'/></div>" + "</div>" + "</form>" + "</div>");
                                modal : true,
                                close : function(event, ui) {
                                buttons : {
                                    "Actualizar" : function() {
                                        if ($("#cambia_pass").validationEngine('validate')) {

                                    "Cancelar" : function() {
                        return $img;
            formSubmitting : function(event, data) {
                return data.form.validationEngine('validate');
            formClosed : function(event, data) {

        $('#cmdBuscar').click(function(e) {
            $('#catalogoAlumnos').jtable('load', {
                no_control : $('#search_nocontrol').val(),
                apellidos : $('#search_apellidos').val(),
                nombres : $('#search_nombres').val(),
                carrera : $('#search_carrera').val(),
                semestre : $('#search_semestre').val(),

更新时间:2023-07-29 07:07


这不是一个错误。 这是不正确使用内联汇编的结果。 在包含return语句的情况下,编译器不检查asm语句。 如果在asm块之前已将%rax设置为零,则指令将覆盖该值。 编译器可以在asm块之前自由执行此操作,因为您尚未通知任何寄存器输出,clobbers等。

如果不包含return语句,则不能依赖返回值。 这就是为什么clang(这就是llvm-gcc与Xcode 5.1的关系 - 它不是gcc前端)发出警告的原因 。 gcc-4.8.2似乎适用于OS X - 但由于代码在两种情况下都不正确,所以它只是“运气”。 通过优化: -O2 ,它不再有效。 gcc默认不发出警告,这是至少使用-Wall一个很好的理由。

    unsigned long long ret;
    __asm__ ("movq %rsp, %0" : "=r" (ret));
    return ret;

永远有效。 volatile不是必需的,因为编译器正在使用输出,因此它不能丢弃asm语句。 甚至将第一行更改为unsigned long long ret = 0; - 编译器显然不能自由重新排序。

This is not a bug. It's the result of incorrect use of inline assembly. In the case where the return statement is included, the compiler does not inspect the asm statement. If %rax has already been set to zero before the asm block, the instruction overwrites that value. The compiler is free to do this before the asm block, since you haven't informed it of any register outputs, clobbers, etc.

In the case where no return statement is included, you can't rely on the return value. Which is why clang (that's what llvm-gcc is with Xcode 5.1 - it's not the gcc front end) issues a warning. gcc-4.8.2 appears to work on OS X - but because the code is incorrect in both cases, it's just 'luck'. With optimization: -O2, it no longer works. gcc doesn't issue a warning by default, which is a good reason to at least use -Wall.

    unsigned long long ret;
    __asm__ ("movq %rsp, %0" : "=r" (ret));
    return ret;

always works. volatile is not necessary, as the compiler is using an output, so it cannot discard the asm statement. Even changing the first line to unsigned long long ret = 0; - the compiler is obviously not free to reorder.


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  • 是的,您可以使用gcc编译您的asm代码。 使用-c进行编译,如下所示: gcc -c file.S -o file.o 这将给出名为file.o.的目标代码文件。 调用链接器执行以下命令后执行以下命令: gcc file.o -o file Yes, You can use gcc to compile your asm code. Use -c for compilation like this: gcc -c file.S -o file.o This will give object code ...
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  • 这不是一个错误。 这是不正确使用内联汇编的结果。 在包含return语句的情况下,编译器不检查asm语句。 如果在asm块之前已将%rax设置为零,则指令将覆盖该值。 编译器可以在asm块之前自由执行此操作,因为您尚未通知任何寄存器输出,clobbers等。 如果不包含return语句,则不能依赖返回值。 这就是为什么clang(这就是llvm-gcc与Xcode 5.1的关系 - 它不是gcc前端)发出警告的原因 。 gcc-4.8.2似乎适用于OS X - 但由于代码在两种情况下都不正确,所以它只是“运 ...
  • 您实际上是从汇编函数中正确返回值。 -22是mmap2的有效返回值,表示EINVAL。 当您直接从汇编使用系统调用时, 错误通常作为错误的负版本返回 ,例如-EINVAL或-22。 现在,至于为什么会出现错误,这里是mmap2手册页的摘录: EINVAL (Various platforms where the page size is not 4096 bytes.) offset * 4096 is not a multiple of the system page size. ...
  • 如果你只需要32b / 32b => 32bit除法, 让编译器使用div两个输出 ,gcc,clang和icc都可以正常使用,正如你在Godbolt编译器浏览器中看到的那样 : uint32_t q = bn1->dat[i] / bn2->dat[j]; uint32_t m = bn1->dat[i] % bn2->dat[j]; 编译器非常擅长将CSE转换为一个div 。 只要确保你不将除法结果存储在gcc无法证明不会影响余数输入的地方。 例如*m = dat[i] / dat[j]可能重叠(别名 ...
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  • 将多个行和可变行移动到列(moving multiple and variable rows to columns)
  • 提交表单时忽略基础href,而不使用Javascript(ignore base href when submitting form, without using Javascript)
  • 对setOnInfoWindowClickListener的意图(Intent on setOnInfoWindowClickListener)
  • Angular $资源不会改变方法(Angular $resource doesn't change method)
  • 在Angular 5中不是一个函数(is not a function in Angular 5)
  • 如何配置Composite C1以将.m和桌面作为同一站点提供服务(How to configure Composite C1 to serve .m and desktop as the same site)
  • 不适用:悬停在悬停时:在元素之前[复制](Don't apply :hover when hovering on :before element [duplicate])
  • 常见的python rpc和cli接口(Common python rpc and cli interface)
  • Mysql DB单个字段匹配多个其他字段(Mysql DB single field matching to multiple other fields)
  • 产品页面上的Magento Up出售对齐问题(Magento Up sell alignment issue on the products page)