首页 \ 问答 \ 计算数组中对象中两个键的出现次数(count occurrences of two keys in objects in array)

计算数组中对象中两个键的出现次数(count occurrences of two keys in objects in array)


var arr=[
{ id: 123, 
  title: "name1",
  status: "FAILED"
 id: 123,
 title: "name1", 
 status: "PASSED"
 id: 123,
 title: "name1",
 status: "PASSED"
 id: 123,
 title: "name1",
 status: "PASSED"
 id: 1234,
 title: "name2",
 status: "FAILED"
 id: 1234,
 title: "name2",
 status: "PASSED"


const test =arr.reduce((tally, item) => {
			  if (!tally[item.id]) {
				tally[item.id] = 1;
			  } else {
				tally[item.id] = tally[item.id] + 1;
			  return tally;
			}, {});


{id:123, status:"PASSED", tally:3},
{id:123, status:"FAILED", tally:1},
{id:1234, status:"PASSED", tally:1},
{id:1234, status:"FAILED", tally:1}

任何想法? 谢谢!

I have the following array with objects and used the following code to creating a tally with the key "id":

var arr=[
{ id: 123, 
  title: "name1",
  status: "FAILED"
 id: 123,
 title: "name1", 
 status: "PASSED"
 id: 123,
 title: "name1",
 status: "PASSED"
 id: 123,
 title: "name1",
 status: "PASSED"
 id: 1234,
 title: "name2",
 status: "FAILED"
 id: 1234,
 title: "name2",
 status: "PASSED"


const test =arr.reduce((tally, item) => {
			  if (!tally[item.id]) {
				tally[item.id] = 1;
			  } else {
				tally[item.id] = tally[item.id] + 1;
			  return tally;
			}, {});

Now what I want to do is to modify the tally to take in consideration the key status as well so the result will be somthing like:

{id:123, status:"PASSED", tally:3},
{id:123, status:"FAILED", tally:1},
{id:1234, status:"PASSED", tally:1},
{id:1234, status:"FAILED", tally:1}

Any idea? Thanks!

更新时间:2023-12-18 15:12



System.out.print("Water is a " + returnMessage + " at" + temperature + " degrees.");

printTemp方法作为最后一行? 然后在main输出中什么也没有,你只需写:


What about to put the following code snippet

System.out.print("Water is a " + returnMessage + " at" + temperature + " degrees.");

to the printTemp method as the last line? Then in the main outputs nothing and you just write:



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