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JSON无法获取数据(JSON cannot get data)


"versions": [
        "date": 1340466559, 
        "dl_link": "http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/599/534/NoSwear.jar", 
        "filename": "NoSwear.jar", 
        "game_builds": [
            "CB 1.2.5-R4.0"
        "hard_dependencies": [], 
        "md5": "d0ce03e817ede87a9f76f7dfa67a64cb", 
        "name": "NoSwear v5.1", 
        "soft_dependencies": [], 
        "status": "Semi-normal", 
        "type": "Release"

我怎么能读到这个? 这是我现在拥有的代码,除了这个以外的所有其他代码:

public static void GetMoreInfo(string plugin)
        string url = "http://bukget.org/api/plugin/";

        var wc = new WebClient();
        var json = wc.DownloadString(url + plugin);
        var moreInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MoreInfo>(json);

        foreach (var category in moreInfo.categories)
            Categories += category + ", ";
        Categories = Categories.Remove(Categories.Length - 2, 2);
    catch (Exception)

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Categories))
            Categories = "No data found.";

public class MoreInfo
    public string[] categories;

Hi I'm trying to parse a JSON page in C#, but I can't seem to read some strings, like:

"versions": [
        "date": 1340466559, 
        "dl_link": "http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/599/534/NoSwear.jar", 
        "filename": "NoSwear.jar", 
        "game_builds": [
            "CB 1.2.5-R4.0"
        "hard_dependencies": [], 
        "md5": "d0ce03e817ede87a9f76f7dfa67a64cb", 
        "name": "NoSwear v5.1", 
        "soft_dependencies": [], 
        "status": "Semi-normal", 
        "type": "Release"

How could I read that? This is the code I have right now and works for everything else except this:

public static void GetMoreInfo(string plugin)
        string url = "http://bukget.org/api/plugin/";

        var wc = new WebClient();
        var json = wc.DownloadString(url + plugin);
        var moreInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MoreInfo>(json);

        foreach (var category in moreInfo.categories)
            Categories += category + ", ";
        Categories = Categories.Remove(Categories.Length - 2, 2);
    catch (Exception)

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Categories))
            Categories = "No data found.";

public class MoreInfo
    public string[] categories;

更新时间:2022-07-20 10:07


这里的解决方案是获取您需要的所有数据并创建一个类别数组,每个类别都包含自己的子类别。 并在嵌套的ng-repeats使用此对象。




ng-repeat="category in documents.categories"


ng-repeat="service in category.subCategories"



  .getCategories() // Get categories
  .then(function(response) { // Extract them from the response
    return response.data.subCategory;
  .then(getSubcategories) // For every catgory, get its own subcategory
  .then(function(categories) { // Add categories to the $scope
    self.categories = categories;


function getSubcategories(categories) {
  var retrievSubcategories = categories.map(function(category) { // Create a promise to get the subcategories for every category
    return documentsFactory
      .getServicesByCategory(category.name) // Get the subcategories for the given category
      .then(function(response) {
        category.subCategories = response.data.documents; // Add subgategories to the category
        return category;
  return $q.all(retrievSubcategories) // Return a promise resolve only when all the subcategories for every category are retrieved

The solution here is to get all the data you need and create an array of categories, each one containing its own sub categories. And use this object in the nested ng-repeats.

Please check my updated version of your plunker:


As you can see, I use:

ng-repeat="category in documents.categories"

In the outer ng-repeat and:

ng-repeat="service in category.subCategories"

In the inner one.

In the Controller I build the category.subCategories in the following way:

  .getCategories() // Get categories
  .then(function(response) { // Extract them from the response
    return response.data.subCategory;
  .then(getSubcategories) // For every catgory, get its own subcategory
  .then(function(categories) { // Add categories to the $scope
    self.categories = categories;

Where getSubcategories is:

function getSubcategories(categories) {
  var retrievSubcategories = categories.map(function(category) { // Create a promise to get the subcategories for every category
    return documentsFactory
      .getServicesByCategory(category.name) // Get the subcategories for the given category
      .then(function(response) {
        category.subCategories = response.data.documents; // Add subgategories to the category
        return category;
  return $q.all(retrievSubcategories) // Return a promise resolve only when all the subcategories for every category are retrieved


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