首页 \ 问答 \ 使用JComboBox Java Swing选择颜色(Pick Color with JComboBox Java Swing)

使用JComboBox Java Swing选择颜色(Pick Color with JComboBox Java Swing)

我有一个JComboBox,我希望用户选择颜色。 JComboBox只显示颜色,没有任何文字。 我想出了这个解决方案。 请告诉我这是好还是应该避免,为什么。 我是Swing和Java的新手,所以请耐心等待:)

public class ToolBar{
    private MainFrame mainFrame;

    public ToolBar (MainFrame mainFrame) {
        this.mainFrame = mainFrame;

    public JPanel getToolBar(){

        JPanel toolbarPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING,2,2));
        toolbarPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(mainFrame.getScreenWidth(),60));

        JButton fillButton = new JButton("Fill: ");
        fillButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60,20));

        String[] test = {" ", " " , " " , " " , " " , " "};
        JComboBox colorBox = new JComboBox(test);
        colorBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50,20));
        colorBox.setRenderer(new MyCellRenderer());

        return toolbarPanel;
    class MyCellRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {  
         public MyCellRenderer() {  
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(  
             JList list,  
             Object value,  
             int index,  
             boolean isSelected,  
             boolean cellHasFocus)  
             switch (index) {
                case 0:  setBackground(Color.white);
                case 1:  setBackground(Color.red);
                case 2:  setBackground(Color.blue);
                case 3:  setBackground(Color.yellow);
                case 4:  setBackground(Color.green);
                case 5:  setBackground(Color.gray);
             return this;  

这很好用。 它在JComboBox中显示不同颜色的空选择元素。 问题是当用户选择颜色时,JComboBox中的选择颜色不会改变。 我应该添加哪些代码行,以便当用户从列表中选择颜色时,JComboBox字段中会显示颜色?



I have a JComboBox where I want for user to select color. JComboBox is displaying just the colors, without any text. I've come up with this solution. Please advise me if this is good or it should be avoided and why. I am new to Swing and Java in general so please be patient :)

public class ToolBar{
    private MainFrame mainFrame;

    public ToolBar (MainFrame mainFrame) {
        this.mainFrame = mainFrame;

    public JPanel getToolBar(){

        JPanel toolbarPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING,2,2));
        toolbarPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(mainFrame.getScreenWidth(),60));

        JButton fillButton = new JButton("Fill: ");
        fillButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60,20));

        String[] test = {" ", " " , " " , " " , " " , " "};
        JComboBox colorBox = new JComboBox(test);
        colorBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50,20));
        colorBox.setRenderer(new MyCellRenderer());

        return toolbarPanel;
    class MyCellRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {  
         public MyCellRenderer() {  
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(  
             JList list,  
             Object value,  
             int index,  
             boolean isSelected,  
             boolean cellHasFocus)  
             switch (index) {
                case 0:  setBackground(Color.white);
                case 1:  setBackground(Color.red);
                case 2:  setBackground(Color.blue);
                case 3:  setBackground(Color.yellow);
                case 4:  setBackground(Color.green);
                case 5:  setBackground(Color.gray);
             return this;  

This works ok. It is displaying empty selection elements in JComboBox with different colors. Problem is that when user selects color, color of selection in JComboBox does not change. Which lines of code should I add and where so that when user selects the color from a list that color is displayed in JComboBox field?

I tried some solutions but result was that when user picks color selection in JComboBox always changes to gray...

I've looked through several similar questions but I just can't figure out which part of code is dealing with changing of color of JComboBox when the selection has been done...

更新时间:2022-05-18 08:05


你说过“子进程不应该以任何方式使用main()的参数”。 但是,我发现您的子进程正在使用argc 。 这不会打败你的限制吗?

你还说你想要“为每个角色写一个电话”。 您当前的实现使用一个调用来为每个参数写入,而不是每个字符。 这是一个错字吗? 如果没有,你会想要使用更像这样的东西:

char nul='\0', endl='\n';
for (a=1; a < argc; ++a) {
    for (c=0; c < strlen(argv[a]); ++c) {
        write(fdest[1], &argv[a][c], 1);
    write(fdest[1], &nul, 1);
write(fdest[1], &endl, 1);

这将一次写入一个字符,每个参数作为以NULL结尾的字符串和最后的换行符。 换行符仅用作标记,表示不再发送数据(并且可以安全使用,因为您不会在CLI参数中传递换行符)。

子进程只需要是一个循环,逐个读取传入的字节,如果字节不是'\0''\n' ,则递增计数器。 当它读取换行符时,它会突破输入处理循环并报告计数器的值。

You said that "the child process should not use the arguments to main() in any way whatsoever". However, I see that your child process is using argc. Doesn't this defeat your restriction?

You also say that you want "one call to write for each character". Your current implementation uses one call to write for each argument, not each character. Was this a typo? If not, you will want to use something more like this:

char nul='\0', endl='\n';
for (a=1; a < argc; ++a) {
    for (c=0; c < strlen(argv[a]); ++c) {
        write(fdest[1], &argv[a][c], 1);
    write(fdest[1], &nul, 1);
write(fdest[1], &endl, 1);

This will write one character at a time, with each argument as a NULL-terminated string and a newline character at the end. The newline is only there to serve as a marker to indicate that there is no more data to send (and is safe to use since you won't be passing in a newline in a CLI argument).

The child process will just need to be a loop that reads incoming bytes one by one and increments a counter if the byte is not '\0' or '\n'. When it reads the newline character, it breaks out of the input processing loop and reports the value of the counter.


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