首页 \ 问答 \ 在Javascript for IE11中将Child的文件输入对象传递给Parent窗口(Passing File Input Object of Child to Parent window in Javascript for IE11)

在Javascript for IE11中将Child的文件输入对象传递给Parent窗口(Passing File Input Object of Child to Parent window in Javascript for IE11)

有没有办法可以将子窗口中的文件输入的DOM对象传递给父窗口? 我尝试appendChild它在Firefox中运行良好,但在IE中没有,当我使用时,innerHTML不会将文件的值复制到父级,但它只是在父级中创建空的HTML文件输入元素。


var element = window.opener.document.getElementById("files_div");


window.opener.document.getElementById("files_div").innerHTML = document.getElementById("files_div").innerHTML;


window.opener.document.getElementById("file0").value = document.getElementById("file0").value

Is there any way that I can pass a DOM object of a file input from the child window to parent? I tried to appendChild it works fine in Firefox but not in IE and when I use, innerHTML its not copying the value of the file to the parent but it was just creating the empty HTML file input element within the parent.

Appending Child (Works fine in IE but not Firefox)

var element = window.opener.document.getElementById("files_div");

InnerHTML(works fine everywhere but does not copy the entire object to parent)

window.opener.document.getElementById("files_div").innerHTML = document.getElementById("files_div").innerHTML;

I can't do this because of security reasons:

window.opener.document.getElementById("file0").value = document.getElementById("file0").value

更新时间:2022-07-05 09:07


终于弄清楚这个了解更多...它现在有意义,但之前没有。 这是新的'display'函数,将由OP中的一个替换。 当然,还需要进行一些其他更改...例如,在新信息窗口中显示所有聚类标记数据,但这是让窗口工作的要点。

var markers = clickedCluster.getMarkers();

if (markers.length > 1)
    //create the info window
    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
        content: ''+
            '<p>'+markers.length+' = length</p>'+
            '<p>testing blah blah</p>',
        position: clickedCluster.center_

    //display the infowindow

    return false;
return true;


Finally figured this out playing around with it some more... it makes sense now, but didn't before. Here is the new 'display' function to be replaced by the one in the OP. Of course, there are a few other change needed yet... showing all clustered marker data in the new info window for example, but this is the gist of getting the window to work.

//cluster function to do stuff function multiChoice(clickedCluster) { //clusters markers
var markers = clickedCluster.getMarkers();

if (markers.length > 1)
    //create the info window
    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
        content: ''+
            '<p>'+markers.length+' = length</p>'+
            '<p>testing blah blah</p>',
        position: clickedCluster.center_

    //display the infowindow

    return false;
return true;



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