首页 \ 问答 \ 从is.nan返回错误的逻辑(Returning incorrect logical from is.nan)

从is.nan返回错误的逻辑(Returning incorrect logical from is.nan)

我正在分析来自公开数据库的微阵列数据,我的输出是一个对数比矩阵,将实验数据与对照进行比较。 我发现我的一个列填充了NaN值,因为这种处理没有相应的控制。 我的数据框( fc_initial )尺寸为9049 x 647。

> dim(fc_initial)
[1] 9049  647


# [1] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

#    Mode    TRUE    NA's 
# logical    9049       0 


fc_num <- apply(fc_initial, 2, is.nan)
summary(fc_num[ ,580])
#    Mode   FALSE    NA's 
# logical    9049       0 

我已经使用fc_initialfc_num视图在视觉上确认了这fc_num ,我已经仔细检查过我正在寻找使用which()的正确列。

which(fc_num, arr.ind = TRUE)
#  row col


我错过了什么? 为什么R为一列我在视觉上确认为TRUE的值返回一列FALSE

I am analyzing microarray data from a publicly available database, and my output is a log-ratio matrix comparing experimental data to controls. I have discovered that one of my columns is populated with NaN values due to the fact that this treatment does not have a corresponding control. My data frame's (fc_initial) dimensions are 9049 x 647.

> dim(fc_initial)
[1] 9049  647

the column that is populated by NaN is the 580th column

# [1] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

#    Mode    TRUE    NA's 
# logical    9049       0 

When I try to examine this for all columns using apply, R incorrectly returns all FALSE for this column.

fc_num <- apply(fc_initial, 2, is.nan)
summary(fc_num[ ,580])
#    Mode   FALSE    NA's 
# logical    9049       0 

I have visually confirmed this using view for both fc_initial and fc_num, and I have double checked that I am looking for the right column using which().

which(fc_num, arr.ind = TRUE)
#  row col

which returns no cells showing as TRUE.

What am I missing? Why is R returning a column of FALSE for a column of values I have visually confirmed to be TRUE?

更新时间:2021-04-25 09:04


Afair GAE基于python-django,所以网上有很多相关信息。 检查例如: http//www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/sep/02/django-tips-user-registration/


Afair GAE is based on python-django, so there’s much information on this in the web. Check for example: http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/sep/02/django-tips-user-registration/

More is available if you google for: django email confirmation


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