首页 \ 问答 \ 如何使用IHasManyConvention Fluent NHibernate约定在HasMany映射上设置PropertyRef?(How do I use the IHasManyConvention Fluent NHibernate convention to set the PropertyRef on a HasMany mapping?)

如何使用IHasManyConvention Fluent NHibernate约定在HasMany映射上设置PropertyRef?(How do I use the IHasManyConvention Fluent NHibernate convention to set the PropertyRef on a HasMany mapping?)

目前我正在使用Fluent NHibernate生成我的数据库模式,但我希望HasMany关系中的实体指向不同的列以供参考。 IE,这就是NHibernate在创建DDL时会生成的:

alter table `Pony` add index (Stable_ID),
add constraint Ponies_Stable foreign key (Stable_Id)
references `Stable` (Id);


alter table `Pony` add index (Stable_ID),
add constraint Ponies_Stable foreign key (Stable_Id)
references `Stable` (EntityId);



public class ForeignKeyReferenceConvention : IHasManyConvention
    public void Apply(IOneToManyCollectionInstance instance)
        //What goes here so that I can change the reference column?



    public class MyReferenceConvention : IReferenceConvention
        public void Apply(IManyToOneInstance instance)

编辑: instance.Key.Column("EntityId")不是解决方案。

Currently I'm using Fluent NHibernate to generate my database schema, but I want the entities in a HasMany relationship to point to a different column for the reference. IE, this is what NHibernate will generate in the creation DDL:

alter table `Pony` add index (Stable_ID),
add constraint Ponies_Stable foreign key (Stable_Id)
references `Stable` (Id);

This is what I want to have:

alter table `Pony` add index (Stable_ID),
add constraint Ponies_Stable foreign key (Stable_Id)
references `Stable` (EntityId);

Where Stable.ID would be the primary key and Stable.EntityId is just another column that I set.

I have a class already that looks like this:

public class ForeignKeyReferenceConvention : IHasManyConvention
    public void Apply(IOneToManyCollectionInstance instance)
        //What goes here so that I can change the reference column?

What do I have to do to get the reference column to change?

As an example, here is what the code for IReferenceConvention looks like to do the same thing:

    public class MyReferenceConvention : IReferenceConvention
        public void Apply(IManyToOneInstance instance)

EDIT: instance.Key.Column("EntityId") is not the solution.

更新时间:2021-10-26 07:10



<c:set var="foo" value="${param.foo}" scope="session" />

这基本上会做session.setAttribute("foo", request.getParameter("foo")); 在使用此行提交表单的JSP结果页面的响应呈现期间。 在此示例中,隐藏字段应具有名称foo

如果您确实需要将请求/响应转发到JSP 之前进行设置,那么您需要在提交表单的负责控制/后处理servlet类中(间接)执行此操作。

如果您确实需要显示表单期间设置它,那么只需使用<c:set>直接设置值,而不是从隐藏输入传递。 例如

<c:set var="foo" value="theValue" scope="session" />

You can use <c:set> to set an attribute in an arbitrary scope and you can use ${param} to access a request parameter.

<c:set var="foo" value="${param.foo}" scope="session" />

This will basically do session.setAttribute("foo", request.getParameter("foo")); during rendering of the response of the JSP result page with this line where the form is been submitted to. In this example, the hidden field should have the name foo.

If you actually need to set it before forwarding the request/response to the JSP, then you'll need to do this (indirectly) in the responsible controlling/postprocessing servlet class where the form is been submitted to.

If you actually need to set it during displaying the form, then just set the value directly using <c:set> instead of passing from a hidden input. E.g.

<c:set var="foo" value="theValue" scope="session" />


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