首页 \ 问答 \ 如何在Scala中的数组列表中获取两个元素的总和(How to get the sum of two elements in a list of Arrays in Scala)

如何在Scala中的数组列表中获取两个元素的总和(How to get the sum of two elements in a list of Arrays in Scala)


我正在Scala中编写一段代码来读取数据文件,并生成一些聚合。 为简单起见,我们假设内容类似于以下内容(记录以制表符分隔):

01/12/2015 JACK M 21XYZ 56 200

01/14/2015 JOHN M 22ABS 34 145

我想将最后两个数字相乘并将它们与第二个项目(Name)一起存储,然后运行一些统计数据(min, max, top 10, etc.)



    val dat = scala.io.Source.fromFile("abs.txt")


    val datList = try dat.getLines.toList finally dat.close


    val datArray = datList.map(_.split('\t'))

在这些步骤之后,我有一个数组字符串数组。 我被困在这一点上。 我不知道如何计算每个数组的最后两个元素的乘法并将结果存储在地图中并将名称作为键。


    val res = datArray.map(x => x(4).toInt * x(5).toDouble)






Hello and thanks in advance for taking the time reading this.

I am writing a piece of code in Scala to read a data file, and produce a couple of aggregations. For the sake of simplicity let's assume the contents are something like the following(the records are tab delimited):

01/12/2015 JACK M 21XYZ 56 200

01/14/2015 JOHN M 22ABS 34 145

I want to multiply the last two numbers and store them along with the second item (Name) and then run some statistics (min, max, top 10, etc.)

Steps I have taken so far:

1- Read the file

    val dat = scala.io.Source.fromFile("abs.txt")

2- Put the contents in a list

    val datList = try dat.getLines.toList finally dat.close

3- Split each string into an array of Strings

    val datArray = datList.map(_.split('\t'))

after these steps I have an array of Array of strings. I am stuck at this point. I don't know how I can calculate the multiplication of the last two elements of each array and store the results in a map and have the name as key.

When I try something like

    val res = datArray.map(x => x(4).toInt * x(5).toDouble)

it returns a Unit and I cannot do anything with it.

I would appreciate it if you can shed some light.

I found something similar in the following link, however that is between two separate arrays which seems to be simpler.

Element-wise sum of arrays in Scala



更新时间:2023-10-09 11:10


有一些小问题需要注意,您必须确保用于传递给处理程序的变量在范围内不发生变化。 这是因为C#支持词法关闭并通过引用使用变量(我相信Jon Skeet可以更好地解释它)。 只要复制你使用的变量,或者你会得到一些有趣的行为。

for (int i = 0; i < observed.Length; ++i)
    int idx = i;
    observed[idx].WhateverEvent += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                       MyHandler(sender, e, idx);

There are some minor caveats...you have to make sure that the variable you use to pass to the handler does not change within the scope. This is due to the fact that C# supports lexical closure and uses the variables by reference (I'm sure Jon Skeet could explain it better). Just copy the variables you use or you'll get some funny behavior.

for (int i = 0; i < observed.Length; ++i)
    int idx = i;
    observed[idx].WhateverEvent += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                       MyHandler(sender, e, idx);


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