首页 \ 问答 \ 如何在Android上更改textColor即使在Android中?(How to change textColor on press Even in Android?)

如何在Android上更改textColor即使在Android中?(How to change textColor on press Even in Android?)

如果按下文本视图,是否可以更改文本视图的文本颜色? 我希望实现闪烁效果,只要按下按钮,颜色变化就会持续。


Is it possible to change the text color of a textview if the textview is pressed? I want to achieve a flashing effect with the color change only lasting as long as the button is pressed.

I know how to change the background of the textview with a selector list and the correct state but how can I change the color of text if the user pushes a button or a simple textview?

更新时间:2021-09-14 18:09




render() {
  const options = ( this.state.cities || [] ).map( (city) => ( {
      value: city.name,
      label: city.id
  } );

  return (
    -- other components --

    { options.length ? (
        <Field name="city"
      ) : null }

    -- other components --

( this.state.cities || [] )将检查this.state.cities是否可用,否则它使用一个空数组。

更多细节:你的axios调用是异步的。 这意味着,React不会等待axios获取数据,而只是尝试渲染某些东西。


Your initial state might not be set, so this.state.cities is actually empty.

Do something like this in your render function:

render() {
  const options = ( this.state.cities || [] ).map( (city) => ( {
      value: city.name,
      label: city.id
  } );

  return (
    -- other components --

    { options.length ? (
        <Field name="city"
      ) : null }

    -- other components --

( this.state.cities || [] ) will check if this.state.cities is available, otherwise it uses an empty array.

A little more detail: Your axios call is asynchronous. That means, that React doesn't wait for axios to fetch your data but instead just tries to render something.

Your state has not been set (probably) and therefore you get this error.


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