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回声控制C字符(Echo Control C character)

我需要grep第三方程序的输出。 这个程序转储出来的数据,但不终止没有^ c终止它。

我目前正在使用它的pid查找并杀死它。 但是,我想知道是否可以回显控制C字符。 伪代码看起来像

echo ^c | ./program_that_does_not_terminate


C:\>echo y | del C:\tmp\*
C:\tmp\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

I need to grep the output of a third party program. This program dumps out data but does not terminate without pressing ^c to terminate it.

I am currently searching and killing it using its pid. However, I was wondering however if it were possible to echo the control C character. Pseudo code would look like

echo ^c | ./program_that_does_not_terminate

I am able to do something like this in DOS, so there must be a way in linux.

C:\>echo y | del C:\tmp\*
C:\tmp\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

更新时间:2024-04-12 07:04



onClick={this.viewMore.bind(this, attributeId)}

viewMore = (i,j) => () => {

To pass parameters to event handlers we need to use currying. With the above method no new functions created all the time while render is called.


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